Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 241 - 245 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

15 Apr 2008

Marking the Day When Running Our Cars on Starving Children Became Law

It feels appropriate that I should mark the day when the UK government makes it law that all petrol and diesel must contain at least 2.5% of biofuel in some way. In his usual frank and thorough way, George Monbiot tells it like it is in today’s Guardian; “In the midst of a global humanitarian crisis, we have just become legally obliged to use food as fuel. It is a crime against humanity, in which every driver in this country has been forced to participate”. The most appropriate way I can mark this day of momentous stupidity is with the above powerful and to the point cartoon which Richard Heinberg used in his presentation at Findhorn recently.

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Discussion: 18 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Food, Peak Oil

8 Apr 2008

End of Suburbia Screening in Swansea Begins Transition Process…

swansea“When the World Runs Out of Oil”. Swansea Evening Post. 5th April 2008.

(Interesting to see how the End of Suburbia is still, a few years after its release, acting as an inspiration to groups at the early stages of Transition processes, as the article below attests. Wales has become a real hotbed of Transition activity, good luck to Swansea on their Transition journey, they clearly have some good sympathetic local media, which is a good starting place…)

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2 Apr 2008

Health and Sustainability: Two Events on Peak Oil, Climate Change and Healthcare

docHealth and Sustainability’ was a fascinating event, in two parts, which began to explore the implications on healthcare of peak oil and climate change.  The first part was an online webcast held at Plymouth University, where the four speakers gave 10 minute online presentations and then discussed the issues raised online in a chatroom format.  The webcast (I refuse to use the term ‘webinar’ which was used in the publicity!) turned out to be the most popular one that the University has ever run, with about 50 people from around the world, including New Zealand and the US, logging on to take part.  It demonstrated new technology at its best, and offered a tool which could greatly reduce the amount of air travel that is required for communication.

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31 Mar 2008

The Transition Handbook Reviewed in ‘The Guardian’

thbkWe rely on oil for everything from transport to aspirins. By 2006 we were using 86 million barrels of oil a day: that’s an Olympic swimming pool of oil every 15 seconds. But one day soon supplies are going to run dry and, according to Rob Hopkins, we need to prepare for that crisis now. His “Transition movement” is about building communities that can stand on their own feet in a post-oil world. To do that you need to increase “resilience”, eco-speak for a system’s ability to cope with external shocks.

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28 Mar 2008

Positive Energy: creative community responses to peak oil and climate change. Day 6. Me, Richard Heinberg and lots of workshops

graphI missed the first speaker of the day, Alan Hobbett, whose talk was called “Community Power, the imminent revolution”, because I was doing an interview with Joanna Macy which I will post here as soon as I have transcribed it. After the break it was my turn. Taking to heart Jonathan’s request to rethink and reflect what had gone before, I think this was one of the most personal talks I have ever done. Something about being here and speaking here allows one to take risks, to feel held to push things that bit further.

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Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Transition Initiatives