Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 201 - 205 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

9 Oct 2008

The Stirrings of Transition Los Angeles…

Here is an email I received from Joanne Poyourow in LA about the early steps that are being taken to kick start Transition ideas in the city.  Hope this is interesting/encouraging for other Transition city groups.  Just to remind you, the Transition Cities Conference takes place in Nottingham on the 27th – 28th November.  Full details to follow next week, but do put those dates in your diary. 

“Sometimes the question of “what to do about Los Angeles” seems just too big — both to those on the outside looking in, and even at times to the brave Permaculturists and Transitioners who are here working from the inside.  Los Angeles is huge. 

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7 Oct 2008

“The Futureproofers”. An article from Green Futures.

On a rooftop in Brixton, a back garden in Totnes, a village hall in Ambridge, they’re preparing for a post-oil future. So is Transition Towns busting out of the eco-niche and into the mainstream?   By Vicki Lesley and Hannah Bullock, from Green Futures magazine.

Around the country, towns are printing their own currency, turning over scraps of land to grow food and re-skilling their workforce for a future where fossil fuels are no longer on tap. When the Transition Town movement first got under way it may have sounded a little militant: “from oil dependency to local resilience”. But with 85 communities on board, 700 more looking to join, and ‘peak oil’ in the news, is this an idea whose time has come?

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4 Oct 2008

Transition on Chicago Public Radio

With The Transition Handbook now available in the US, and the first US Transition Training having been recently held by Michael Brownlee in Boulder, and with Transition Initiatives starting to pop up all across the country, I was recently interviewed by Jerome McDonnell for Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview programme.   You can hear the interview here, as well as the interview that followed it with Bill Wilson of Mid Western Permaculture, who just got back from Michael’s training, and is clearly very excited about the whole thing.  Other than Jerome thinking that Totnes is in Ireland, it all seemed to go fine…

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3 Oct 2008

The Totnes Energy Descent Pathways Launch: report, podcasts and poem

We had a wonderful evening in Totnes last week, where we launched the Totnes EDAP process.  About 180 people turned up, and were provided with wine and nibbles, as well as with live guitar music on their arrival.  I felt it was one of those great Transition events that appeals to both sides of the brain, some talking, some chatting, some moving around, some laughter, some poignancy, some food and drink, some fun.  To set the scene, here is how the evening was reported in the Totnes Times, the first time a TTT-related story graced the front page.  Under the headline “Why Time is Running Out”, the article ran as follows;

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29 Sep 2008

Today’s Transition Chat! The Transition Timeline.

The Transition Timeline. Establishing the assumptions underpinning our Energy Descent Planning. Hosted by Shaun Chamberlin, author of the Transition Timeline.  Today at 2pm over at Transition Chat!

The Transition Timeline is a tool for the Transition communities starting to grapple with preparing their local Energy Descent Plans.  The first version is nearing completion, and should be made available next month, and it is intended as an ongoing interactive project.

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Discussion: 7 Comments

Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil