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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 196 - 200 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

23 Jan 2009

‘Volatile Times’: Peak Oil and the Local Government Association

The Local Government Association recently published a paper called ‘Volatile Times: transport, climate change and the price of oil”, which you can download here.  It looks at the challenges faced by local authorities through the lens of peak oil and climate change, and is a very useful document for any Transition groups working with their local authorities.  It starts with a clear setting out of the peak oil concept, and then looks at what Councils can do to respond.  Transition initiatives, and Nottingham in particular are cited as case studies, the ‘Oil Independence in Oakland’ report is cited, including the great quote “quite simply, if Oakland is to reduce its dependence on oil, its residents must drive less”.  A very useful document. 

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2 Dec 2008

A write-up of the 2008 Soil Association conference

Last year’s Soil Association conference offered delegates a deep immersion in the peak oil/Transition debates, and was, for many, a seminal experience. This year’s took the discussions deeper and offered delegates an update on progress since and a re-energiser in terms of the scale of the work needed to be done for food and farming to truly be ‘in Transition’.  You can hear podcasts from the whole conference here and download the pdf of the conference programme here.

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12 Nov 2008

Book Review: Preparing for Peak Oil: local authorities and the energy crisis

‘Preparing for Peak Oil: Local Authorities and the Energy Crisis’, prepared by the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre and the Post carbon Institute.  2008. 41 pages.  Free download here.

The whole question of how to communicate peak oil to local government, and how to support and encourage their creative and rapid responses to it, is huge and very timely.  ‘Preparing for Peak Oil’ is an excellent guidebook for anyone who wants to bring their local authority up to speed on energy depletion and climate change issues.  It is clear, well presented, and achieves an excellent balance between presenting the hard facts about peak oil alongside some positive and inspiring examples of change, as well as some clear and well thought through thinking tools.

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5 Nov 2008

The 2008 Soil Association Conference, don’t miss it!

Last year’s Soil Association conference was an extraordinary event, one that took its delegates on a powerful journey into peak oil and out the other side.  Its insights and developments have informed many of its new projects and initiatives since, and this year’s conference takes the theme deeper, and is entitled “Transition: Food and Farming in 21st century Britain”. Like last year, it looks like an event not to be missed.

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Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Food, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

23 Oct 2008

Peak Oil and the Snake in the Loft

I was struck by a story I read in the Metro newspaper the other day, about a couple in Ashton-under-Lyne who had discovered that a snake was on the loose in their house. Neither of them have actually seen the offending reptile, but they have found two shed skins 1 metre long each in their attic (personally, I think having found the first one the chances of my ever setting foot in the loft again would be virtually zero).

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Peak Oil