Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 156 - 160 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

22 Feb 2010

Joanne Poyourow on Solidarity

joanneJoanne Poyourow has been rather busy recently, posting some very insightful pieces about the broadening and the deepening of Transition.  From asking whether Transition is a movement or an organisation, to exploring issues of diversity in Transition.   Here is my favourite, an excellent piece recently posted by Joanne over at the Transition US site, which focuses on the issue of solidarity.


  1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
  2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.

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19 Feb 2010

Transition on ‘One Planet’ on BBC World Service

oneplanetEarlier this week I did an interview for BBC World Service’s ‘One Planet’ programme, which you can now hear at their website here or download the podcast here.   A very enjoyable experience, it is not every day that the BBC buys you soup and pays for it in Totnes Pounds!

rob and bbc

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16 Feb 2010

‘Churches in Transition’ Launches with a Conference

churchesitHere’s a fascinating piece from Ekklesia about the recent Churches in Transition conference in Scarborough.

“Christian Ecology Link have launched a support network for “Churches in Transition”, part of the Transition Towns movement, and has held a major national conference on the transition to low carbon lives.  At their bi-annual gathering in Scarborough this weekend, 50 participants from across the Christian spectrum came together to explore the implications of climate change and ‘peak oil’.

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8 Feb 2010

Transition Makes the Hallowed Pages of New Scientist

newscientistcoverI am featured in the hallowed pages of New Scientist this week in its Opinion section, under the heading “Rob Hopkins: getting over oil, one town at a time”.  The only slight glitch with it is that the otherwise very attentive interviewer misheard my response when she asked when I thought we would see price volatility arising from peak oil.  I said “2013”, which she heard as “2030”, thereby placing me alongside Ed Miliband and Malcolm Wicks in terms of making absurd and profoundly optimistic predictions about peak oil.  Jeff Rubin would not agree with that…  Oh well.  Not sure it gives the best picture of what Transition is about, but here it is anyway….

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8 Feb 2010

Davie Philip on ‘The Good Life 2.0.’

Here’s a great talk by Davie Philip, long-standing master-networker, Transition Ireland Network catalyst and one man catalyst for change, speaking at day two of The New Emergency Conference: Managing Risk and Building Resilience in a Resource Constrained World, held in Dublin last summer by FEASTA. Excellent.

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Transition Initiatives