An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent
Transition Culture has moved
I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.
I read Michael Brownlee’s recent piece ‘The Evolution of Transition in the US‘, with a mixture of fascination and a sense of disquiet that increased the deeper I got into the piece. The concept of Transition has been regularly critiqued, a positive process which has helped to shape what it is today. Most critiques run along the lines of “Transition, nice idea, but it isn’t [ … ] enough”. So, for Alex Steffen, Transition isn’t technologically savvy or optimistic enough, for the Trapese Collective it isn’t politically savvy enough, for John Michael Greer it is guilty of ‘premature triumphalism’, for Ted Trainer it isn’t sufficiently rooted in alternative culture or focused enough, while for others it is too riven with New Age thinking and pseudoscience. Now, according to Brownlee, it is fatally flawed by not having the ‘Sacred’ at the heart of what it does.
Well now here’s something wonderful from Transition York Region in Canada. I won’t say much about it, just sit back and enjoy… can’t help wishing they might perhaps move around a bit more though…
In June 2008, David Fleming was in Totnes to teach on the ‘Life After Oil’ course at Schumacher College, along with Richard Heinberg, myself and others. One afternoon, David and I slipped away so I could interview him for this website. In memory of his passing away this week, I am reprinting it here. We discussed peak oil and Tradable Energy Quotas, among other things. It was a joy.
How do you see the unfolding events of the past few weeks? (ie. the runaway price and it starting to make the price of petrol/diesel rise, with the impacts being felt acutely by those on lower incomes and in rural areas)?
Well, this is the beginning of the breakdown of the energy market. High prices are a sign that some people are having to forgo some or all of the oil which they would have expected to buy. In some cases, those purchases are absolutely essential to their livelihoods, and if they are priced out of the market in the oil auction, they will not be able to do really fundamental things like buying the kerosene they need to power their irrigation pumps. So far, most of those who have been affected to this extent are the poor – third world farmers, for instance. But it is coming our way.
After a hectic day at the Diverse Routes to Belonging conference here in Edinburgh, I sat down here to blog about it, but having had a look at the conference’s blog, I’m not sure there is much I can add! The conference team have done an amazing job, doing excellent write ups of the sessions and workshops as well as films of interviews with Alan Stibbe, Alastair Macintosh, Jonathan Dawson and myself, and also films of Justin Kenrick’s opening talk and the mapping activity. It is real state-of-the-art conference blogging, great stuff. My workshop seemed to go OK too. There are also Transition gatherings going on in Hannover and in Brazil over this weekend, and we tried to do Skype chats with both at the end of the day, as well as with groups in Portugal and Spain, but only the Portugese and Brazilian ones really worked. Oh well. So, been an amazing day, I’d better get back for the Open Mike… keep an eye on the blog tomorrow and perhaps I’ll write something more useful when I get home….
In April this year I went to Lancaster for the Unleashing of Transition City Lancaster, and a fine event it was too. Mark Rotherham filmed the event and is editing a film of the event, and has just made this taster available, and rather wonderful it is too… I love his animations of my ‘deep fetid lagoon’ slides…. Thanks Mark.
How might our response to peak oil and climate change look more like a party than a protest march? This site explores the emerging transition model in its many manifestations
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