Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 71 - 75 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

3 May 2011

An April Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Nelson Mandela Bay Transition Network's ‘introduction to food gardening workshop’

It’s time to share news of all those wonderful Transition activities that you busy Transitioners have been up to this past month…  The first alert – in case you haven’t already heard – is to tell you that the Transition Network is now on Facebook…have a look!  Starting the rounds down in Australia, Transition Town Triangle Plus and Clean Energy for Eternity recently held a meeting to set out a ground breaking plan developed by Beyond Zero Emissions to move Australia’s energy systems on to renewable technologies in just 10 years… you can do it!

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3 May 2011

Ingredients of Transition: Investing in Transition

FC United is a supporter-owned football club in Manchester, formed by Manchester United fans opposed to the Glazers buyout of the club. They play in the Northern Premier League and aim to raise £1.5 million for a new ground, and have already raised £700,000, in part through a very well supported share launch. Might a similar model also enable the rapid acceleration of Transition at the community level?

Here is a last minute addition to the ingredients for the forthcoming ‘Transition Companion’.  It is especially timely as OVESCO in Lewes’s share option has managed to raise £286, 600 is only £20,000 short of its target … if you live in an around Lewes, get your shares before 27th May!!

Money isn’t a neutral thing.  The decisions we make with our investment choices either prop up and reinforce an economic model rooted in a past of cheap energy prices and climate irresponsibility, or they can help to bring forth a new, revitalised and more appropriate way of doing things.

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15 Apr 2011

A chat with ‘The Nation’… and just how much energy is in a litre of petrol?

The other week I did a chat with Karen Rybold Chin for ‘The Nation’ as the final part of a thirteen-part series called “Peak Oil and a Changing Climate”.  Here it is….

Following it, Walter Haugen at Local Harvest wrote a post questioning my “1 litre of oil equals 35 days of human work” figure.  My source for that was from the end of a report done by FEASTA a few years ago which concluded that “a 40 litre fill-up at a petrol station is the equivalent of about four years of human manual work”. Walter’s calculations, which argue that my figure “overstates the energy value of a liter of petrol by almost a factor of four” are here.  Be great to hear your thoughts on this.  Not being a mathematician or an engineer myself I’d value your thoughts/analysis….

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5 Apr 2011

A film review: ‘Gasland’

The second half of the oil age will be very, very different from the first half.  It is truly, to coin the term usually used to describe football, “a game of two halves”.  The first half was awash with cheap, easy-to-find and easy-to-produce oil and gas.  The second half will be the story of expensive-to-produce hydrocarbons, from increasingly inaccessible places, with a rapidly falling energy return on investment and an increasing impact, both environmentally and in terms of carbon emissions.  It will be (unless we are able to break our addiction to hydrocarbons sooner rather than later) a wretched and increasingly desperate time of squeezing fuel out of anything we can.  It will be the societal scraping of the barrel.  If you want to know what that looks like, ‘Gasland’ offers a powerful, chilling, and enraging insight.  Here is the trailer:

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30 Mar 2011

Heading East: a trip to Cambridge…

Just back from a fascinating couple of days away.  I went to an Ashoka Fellows retreat in the beautiful village of Great Missenden (home to the Roald Dahl Museum and many beautiful half-timbered houses), which brought all the UK Ashoka Fellows together to meet each other and for an intensive session of workshops.  The distance I had to travel meant that I arrived half way through the first day, but there were some great workshops on, among other things, social franchising, communications and recruitment.  Also got to meet some of the new Ashoka fellows, some amazing people doing remarkable work.

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Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, General, Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Transition Initiatives