Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 626 - 630 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

16 Nov 2005

End Of Oil Conference, London

A little bit late, but better late than never; this conference took place on October 11th. ‘The End of Oil’ was the UK’s peak oil conference for 2005, and was held at the Insurance Hall in London. If you click here you can hear all of the talks in mp3. and can also download some of the presentations.

End of Oil

I travelled up on the train and was very hospitably accommodated by James Howard of the wonderful PowerSwitch website. The chairman for the event was Dr Ian Gibson. **Michael Meacher** was the first speaker, a mixed bag really, some good points and some bad. I was really looking forward to

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Categories: Peak Oil

16 Nov 2005

Cultivate’s New Magazine on Peak Oil

The Cultivate Centre in Dublin is the sustainability centre that all others should aspire to. It grew out of the pioneering work of Davie Philip and Caoimhim Woods who set up the Low Impact Co-operative way back in 1996 (if my memory serves me correctly) organising the first Sustainable Earth Fair in Dublin. Since then it has grown and grown, with more and more events of a higher and higher profile, publications and now a wonderful urban sustainability centre right in the heart of Dublin.

Drawing in the leading speakers from all over the world to a series of timely and powerful conferences and seminars, they have done much to put sustainability on the map in Ireland. As well as their events programme, they also run a shop, an urban garden, a series of outreach courses at another venue in Dublin, and a very useful website. They also produce occasional publications of the highest quality, which are both accessible and informative. Their latest, entitled “Optimising Energy Use – powering down in response to peak oil and global warming”, is excellent.

Cultivate Magazine

Featuring articles by Colin Campbell, Torbjorn Lahti, Graham Strouts, David Fleming, Richard Douthwaite, Patrick Holford and myself, among others, it gives a very clear overview of the challenge of peak oil but also of the possibilities that follow from it. It is beautifully designed and a joy to behold altogether. To order a copy click here

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Discussion: Comments Off on Cultivate’s New Magazine on Peak Oil

Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture

11 Nov 2005

Co-Creating Positive Possibilities.

You know how it sometimes when you read something and it sums up so neatly something that you have been thinking for ages but not quite been able to articulate? Well, on the train on my way home tonight I read something like that, and it was very powerful. I first read articles by Tom Atlee in Permaculture Activist magazine a couple of years ago, and found them very useful. Tom runs the Co-Intelligence Institute, and does wonderful work looking at the ‘heart’ side of social change work. On his website you will find a treasure trove of articles and insights into his work. This article is a letter he wrote to a friend, and is titled “Crisis Fatigue and the Co-Creation of Positive Possibilities”. You can read the full article here. Here is a section from it that I found particularly relevant to Energy Descent Planning work.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Co-Creating Positive Possibilities.

Categories: General, Localisation, Peak Oil

11 Nov 2005

The Prince of Peak

You may have seen this already, but Richard Heinberg sharing a platform with Prince Charles and telling an assembled audience made up of members of major corporations (Ford, Shell, Dow Chemical, Daimler Chrysler, Cisco, Agilent), mayors (San Francisco, Oakland) and other government representatives (NASA, CalEPA), banks, utilities (Pacific Gas and Electric, Calpine) and universities that peak oil and climate change are a reality and that “Somehow we have to find the courage to reassert the once commonplace belief that human beings have a duty to act as the stewards of creation” is definitely something to draw your attention to. I haven’t yet found a link to Prince Charles’ speech, but Richard Heinberg’s to the same event can be read here.

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Discussion: Comments Off on The Prince of Peak

Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil

10 Nov 2005

A Buddhist Perspective

I have long admired Ken Jones, the Buddhist writer who has written a great deal about the concept of socially engaged Buddhism. Ken lives in Wales and has written widely on the subject and is one of the founders of the Network of Engaged Buddhists. His insights on activism and social change are of great relevance to those of us designing methods for engaging communties in energy descent work.

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Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil