Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 621 - 625 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

24 Nov 2005

Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan

Kinsale**The Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan** is now available on this site as a pdf. file. This plan was produced at Kinsale FEC by myself and the college’s second year students, and was, as far as we know, the first attempt by a community to design an intentionally designed way down from the oil peak. You can read more about how it was carried out in the article called **”Designing Energy Descent Pathways”** in the Articles section on this site. We printed 500 copies, and they are already very scarce.

We heard the other day that the Action Plan has been awarded Cork Environmental Forum’s prestigious **Roll of Honour Award** for 2005. It is wonderful for the Plan and for the town of Kinsale to be recognised

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24 Nov 2005

Up the Hill and Down the Slope

Peak **The Hubbert Peak**. It’s that thing you draw on napkins in cafes and gesticulate wildly in the air when trying to tell people about peak oil. You know the one, looks like a nice gently curving hill, up one side, down the other. It is of course a stylised version of what the peak will actually look like, but it gets the idea across. It turns out however that it may not actually end up looking quite like that. Colin Campbell has estimated that once decline sets in it will be at a rate of 2-3% each year. That is an alarming enough prospect. A new report just published deeply questions this, and makes for more sobering reading.

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Categories: Energy, Peak Oil

23 Nov 2005

Avoid Like the Plague

This isn’t really a book review, more a brief slating of a book I just ordered thinking it would be useful but actually somehow sums up a particular school of thought I strongly take issue with. **’Wake Up! Survive and Prosper in the Coming Economic Turmoil’** by Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi.

Wake Up

Starts off promisingly enough, funky cover, identifies problems like peak oil, growth of the Chinese economy, resource scarcity and so on quite well, and then looks at the fragile state of the world economy. All well and good. But what do we do about it?

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Economics, Peak Oil

21 Nov 2005

Urban versus Rural Sustainability

I just found a version of this article, Urban versus Rural Sustainability by Toby Hemenway on the web and had to post this up here, as you could kind of say it changed my life….

The Permaculture Activist magazine has a dubious knack of popping through my letter box at points in my life when I seem to be really ready for its contents, just not aware of the fact yet. Last November, a month after the house I had spent the last two years building had been razed to the ground by an unknown arsonist, the new issue popped though the door. The theme of the issue? Fire and Catastrophe. I had been going through a whole post-End of Suburbia thinking process around the issue of

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Peak Oil, Permaculture

21 Nov 2005

Energy Scenarios and Beyond…

I want to draw your attention to the excellent and deeply important work that has been undertaken by Richard Douthwaite of FEASTA and Phoebe Bright of VividLogic under the banner Energy Scenarios Ireland. They looked at how peak oil would affect Ireland through the examination of four scenarios, Business as Usual, Enlightened Transition, Localisation and Fair Shares.

In essence, under the Business As Usual scenario, oil continues

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Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil