Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 506 - 510 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

5 Jun 2006

ASPO Conference in Cork – A Report.

**Association for the Study of Peak Oil Conference, Cork City, Ireland. May 31st 2006. A Report by Graham Strouts.**

aspo1Some 70 delegates from business, farming and community groups attended **“Peak Oil: Business Threats and Opportunities

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Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

2 Jun 2006

An Energy Descent Action Plan Primer

Adam Fenderson (of Energy Bulletin) has just launched a new site called Eat the Suburbs, and one of the first postings on there is an Energy Descent Action Plan Primer. A very tidy overview of the idea, where it came from, who said what and why, and then some musings on how it might be applied to his hometown of Melbourne. It is very exciting to see this idea popping up around the world and people really thinking through how it might work. A very thorough and useful piece, a good place to point people towards who say “what IS an Energy Descent Action Plan?”

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Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

1 Jun 2006

David Holmgren on Energy Descent…

holmgrenGlobal Public Media have just posted a talk by the great David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, just after Hurricane Katrina, which explores peak oil, energy descent and permaculture. He sets out the history of the permaculture movement, its place in the larger sustainability movement, the concept of energy descent and our options forward from here. David is really at the cutting edge of thinking about solutions to peak oil and energy descent, his approach is practical, and his solutions are realistic, positive, but also address the profundity of the challenge. David has been a huge inspiration to my work, do have a listen.

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Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

30 May 2006

12 Suggestions of Insightful Reading for Designers of Energy Descent Pathways…

bwI am currently in full-on bookworm mode, up to my neck in books and papers, attempting to write my dissertation about tools for community planning for energy descent (due in September). Therefore, this might be a good time to reflect on some of the gems I’ve come across recently. The last list of books I did was around Christmas, and many people enjoyed it and wrote to me to that effect, apart from the person who commented on the site that it was a “weak little list”, and that its “uninformed reviews are rife with typos”. Oh well, you can’t please everyone..

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29 May 2006

Brian Goodwin on Peak Oil – an Interview

Interview with Brian Goodwin. Schumacher College. May 8th 2006.

BGBrian Goodwin is a Visiting Scholar at Schumacher College and teaches on their MSc in Holistic Science. His research and teaching interests are on the use of the sciences of complexity to study emergent phenomena in evolution and to understand health in various contexts: in individuals, communities, organisations, economies and ecosystems. This involves a fundamental rethinking of basic scientific assumptions and leads to a new science of qualities.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Gaia Theory, Localisation, Peak Oil