Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 501 - 505 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

14 Jun 2006

ASPO5 Programme Unveiled!

aspo5The Association for the Study of Peak Oil have just announced the preliminary line-up for this year’s ASPO5 conference in Pisa in July. Looks fantastic, if you can make it and you are interested in peak oil it really will be the place to be. Some great speakers, I am particularly looking forward to Robert Hirsch, Folke Gunther, Richard Heinberg and Jeremy Leggett (although I have to confess in my ignorance there are many speakers I’ve never heard of!). I’ve never been before, closest I’ve ever been to an ASPO conference is the little clips in the End of Suburbia. The full line up is as follows;

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Categories: Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil

13 Jun 2006

A New Way of Showing The End of Suburbia (for us anyway).

eos1Last Friday we screened the End of Suburbia at Bogan House in Totnes, which was attended by over 40 people. This was the first time we tried a different way of facilitating the event, and I thought it went quite well, so I thought I’d tell you about it.

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7 Jun 2006

Is Our Collective Oil Dependence an Addiction? Your Thoughts Please…

addict1Part of the paper I am writing at the moment looks at the metaphor of addiction in relation to oil/energy dependency, which then leads on to what we can learn from innovative approaches to addiction that might prove to be useful tools for weaning communities off oil. As part of this, in one section I have used the World Health Organisation’s ICD-10 Criteria, which define what constitutes a dependency. I would really appreciate any feedback on this. What do you think?

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6 Jun 2006

Upcoming Talks on Energy Descent and Relocalisation.

talkOver the next couple of months I am doing a few talks in various places, which you might be interested to know about. Do come along if you can. I keep trying to record any talks that I do but I haven’t yet worked out how to edit sound files in such a way as to be able to put them on the Net. The schedule at the moment is as follows;

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Discussion: Comments Off on Upcoming Talks on Energy Descent and Relocalisation.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture

6 Jun 2006

Peak Oil Women Find Their Voice.

ftfwomenI’m delighted to see a discussion emerging within the peak oil community about the role of women and why they are so poorly reflected in the movement, (or whatever it is). When I organised the Fuelling the Future conference, it became clear that the gender balance was all over the place. All the speakers were men, while the majority of the organising team and the volunteers were women. In organising the event and selecting speakers I have to admit

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