Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Peak Oil” category

Showing results 496 - 500 of 635 for the category: Peak Oil.

23 Jun 2006

Greenpeace Launch New Film on Decentralised Energy.

DE**Greenpeace** have just launched an excellent new film called Decentralised Energy – what are we waiting for?, which sets out a very clear argument for decentralised energy. It runs for 18 minutes and is narrated by Clive Anderson. The film sets out a very clear argument for a profound rethink of the National Grid, using the argument that climate change means we have a rapidly reduce carbon emissions, rather than

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Peak Oil

22 Jun 2006

Meg Wheatley on Peak Oil.

megwOn Wednesday 14th June I interviewed Meg Wheatley and asked her the 8 questions developed for the *Skilling Up for Powerdown* project. I also did a longer interview which focused more on Energy Descent Plans, which I’ll post as soon as I get it transcribed.

**Do you see Peak Oil as a crisis or an opportunity?**

I don’t see it as either. I see it as a lens, or mirror, that reflects what we really value in this culture. From that perspective

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19 Jun 2006

5 Great Things About the Eden Project #5. It Shows That Anything Is Possible … Even Powerdown.

eden1The thing that most touched me and which I most took away from my visit to Eden was the sense that anything is possible. Tim Smit had a vision, a vision of turning a clapped out and bleak old clay pit in one of the most depressed parts of the country into one of the most extraordinary places in the UK. He had no money, nothing much to speak of other than a vision and the passion with which to communicate it.

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16 Jun 2006

Is Our Collective Oil Dependence an Addiction? Further Reflections on the Matter …

addicts2The recent post exploring whether or not our relationship to oil can be seen in terms of a dependency certainly got you going, and yielded some fascinating comments. Some other discussion boards on the net picked up the article and some people could barely restrain their fury at the notion that we might be addicted to oil. The feedback on **Transition Culture** was very interesting, a good balance of for and against. I wanted to make a few observations on some of the comments and respond to some of the points they raised.

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16 Jun 2006

5 Great Things About the Eden Project #4. Education.

ed4It is one thing to build the Biomes, the structures, the plantings and so on, but once you have got the people there how do you maximise the opportunity to raise their awareness on environmental issues without being too in your face, too preachy or too judgemental? I was really impressed by how the Eden Project does this. Most of the environmental information that you get as you go around comes in under the radar. The messages are subtle but thought provoking. Its power was, I felt in its gentleness.

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Discussion: Comments Off on 5 Great Things About the Eden Project #4. Education.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent