Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 486 - 490 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

4 Oct 2007

Interviewed on Global Public Media…

A while ago I told you about an interview I had done with Global Public Media which explored in depth the Transition concept. In the meantime, the very noble Kristin Sponsler has actually gone through it and transcribed the whole thing. I thought you might find it of interest… Many thanks to Andy, Julian and the GPM team for making it available.

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3 Oct 2007

Australia’s First Transition Town!

tn**Transition Sunshine Coast** has just been officially awarded its Transition status, bringing the concept to Australia for the first time. It is a real sign of how rapidly the idea is spreading, and the enthusiasm with which people are picking it up (you can read their press release here). Sonya Wallace, one of the people behind the initiative, recently wrote a piece on her website which explains how she first became interested in the concept, which she has kindly allowed me to post below. It offers an interesting insight into how this work is inspiring people in their communities. Heartening stuff.

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14 Sep 2007

Peak Oil, Transition Towns and Resilience Building. My Talk to the IFG Teach In.

My presentation to the IFG Teach In runs for 15 minutes and is divided into 3 sections. You can see them below. I think we ought to do a lot more sending DVDs of talks to conferences and staying at home. Perhaps we should see conferences as being more like the Oscars, a talk, a filmed greeting, some music, another film and another talk. Keep the media changing. Anyway, this is my attempt. If you were at the conference, did it work? Many thanks to Malcolm Baldwin for doing the filming, to Alex Munslow for putting it on YouTube and to Jerry Mander for being open to this experiment…

**Part One.**

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13 Sep 2007

The International Forum on Globalisation Teach-In.

ifgStarting tomorrow in Washington is the International Forum on Globalisation’s **Teach-in: Confronting the Global Triple Crisis – Climate Change, Peak Oil, Global Resource Depletion & Extinction**, a wonderful event with an amazing array of speakers. Speakers include Megan Quinn, Maude Barlow, Richard Heinberg, Wes Jackson, Michael Klare, David Korten, Frances Moore Lappe, Bill McKibben and Vandana Shiva, to name but a few among 60. I was invited to speak, but having decided last year not to fly any more, I decided instead to film my talk and send it in the post, thereby saving 2,788 kgs of carbon by staying at home. I will post my presentation on YouTube tomorrow once the conference has started. If you are near Washington and can make it, it looks like a potentially life-changing event.

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3 Sep 2007

The Sunday Papers Catch on to Transition stuff.

a3It was quite a week for Transition stuff in the sunday papers this week. There was a mention of Totnes Pounds in the Observer, another in a piece in the Sunday Times called Love Thy Neighbour, which was in the Style magazine, and opened with the observation that “community spirit is back in fashion”. The main appearance was a piece by John-Paul Flintoff called “Home grown apples can save the planet”. Unfortunately what appeared was a hugely pared-down version of his original piece, and he has kindly given Transition Culture permission to reproduce the article in full below.

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