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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 476 - 480 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

12 Nov 2007

“Wizards of the Wacky West”. Groan.

tttWorking with Transition Town Totnes, one so often sees the dilemma facing journalists, especially those from national newspapers, when covering TTT or events to do with the town. Do they go for the ‘Totnes woo-woo’ angle, emphasising the town’s alternative aspects, or do they resist that and look for what is actually happening and what is interesting about that? In the main, reporters have managed to resist, but in this weekend’s Telegraph, their property reporter just couldn’t quite help himself. The headline “Wizards of the Wacky West”, it would be fair to say, didn’t bode well. The article, which actually gave TTT some pretty fair(ish) coverage, dripped with references to Totnes having “more vegetarians per square yard than a Hindu tofu festival” and shops “peddlling stones and crystals and a Friday market that smells of marijuana and incense”. Groan.

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7 Nov 2007

Transition Bristol: The Big Event.

bePossibly the biggest peak oil/climate change/Transition event yet to take place in the UK happens in Bristol in a couple of weeks. Transition Bristol’s **Big Event** brings together some amazing speakers for a busy day of talks, workshops and films all exploring the concept of Transition in the urban context. Speakers will include Richard Heinberg, David Strahan, Jeremy Leggett and Dr. Chris Johnstone. Transition Bristol began about a year ago, and this will be their highest profile event yet, and is a day not to be missed. Their press release goes as follows

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5 Nov 2007

Transition Initiatives in the Latest Ecologist Magazine.

ecThis month’s Ecologist magazine is one of the best editions yet. It contains a superb piece called ‘Power On’ which offers a refreshingly frank assessment of the UK’s energy situation in the light of peak oil and climate change which is essential reading (I’ll link to it when an online version becomes available). It also has a long piece about Transition Initiatives which presents the whole approach in a very positive way. The Ecologist have kindly given us permission to reproduce this article below;

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1 Nov 2007

What Future Brighton? An article from the Brighton Rocks Magazine.


One of the first **Transition Cities**, following in the footsteps of those noble conurbations, Bristol and Nottingham, is (are?) Brighton and Hove. Despite, according to the latest Transition Network newsletter, being better known for hosting the 2007 World Beard and Moustache Championships, Brighton is now home to a rapidly growing Transition Initiative, as the excellent article below, from the Brighton Rocks magazine, explains.

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Categories: General, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

31 Oct 2007

Monty Don on Peak Oil and Gardening.

gwMonty Don is the presenter of BBC’s ‘Gardeners World’ programme, as well as a prolific writer on organic gardening, including the book ‘The Complete Gardener’. Recently he heard the talk I gave at the Prince of Wales’ Food and Farming Summer School, and was quite moved by it. The result, once the mental dust had settled, is the following article, which is an edited version of one that appears in this month’s Gardeners World magazine.

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