Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 461 - 465 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

31 Jan 2008

Presentations to the “Cornwall’s Future” conference, November 2007. Campbell, Strahan, Holden & Hopkins.

The last couple of weeks have rather felt like a whirlwind of talks here there and everywhere, travelling late on trains and being up far too late. People often ask about films of talks and where they are available, so here is a recent talk I did that has just been posted online. A few months ago I spoke at **Cornwall’s future – land use, resource depletion & changing climate**, a conference at Duchy College in Cornwall organised by Transition Penwith and Environment Kernow, who are part of the Cornish Strategic Partnership and who bring together a group of various organisations with an interest in sustainability in Cornwall.

The event, which I wrote about here before, was excellent, featuring Dr. Colin Campbell, David Strahan, Patrick Holden and myself. Those good people at Environment Kernow filmed the talks and have just posted them on YouTube. Here is the first part of the talk I gave, which looked at applying the Transition approach to food and farming.

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29 Jan 2008

Monty Don Goes to Cuba.

montyNot having a TV myself I missed Monty Don’s recent episode of **Around the World in 80 Gardens** where he visited Cuba and the organoponicos there. However, on the day, at least 5 different people rang me up to ask me if I had seen it, and how great it was. I therefore plan to sit down this evening and watch it on BBC I-Player, a rather wonderful new device of the BBC’s that allows you to watch the last 7 days worth of their programmes, if you feel so inclined. I’ll write more about it when I have seen it, but given that it is only available to view for another 5 days, I thought I’d mention it now.

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Discussion: 14 Comments

Categories: Food, Localisation

23 Jan 2008

Biofuels, Transition and Divergent Visions of the Future of Farming.

posterOn the 16th January I attended a great event in Wadebridge in Cornwall called **The Decline in Oil: are you worried by the rising price of oil?**, which had been organised by Duchy College Rural Business School, the NFU, Climate Friendly Endillion, Transition Penwith and the Soil Association Organic South West. Held in Wadebridge Town Hall, the evening was attended by a crowd of about 140, of whom about 40 were farmers and the rest of whom came from Wadebridge and further afield, from some of Cornwall’s other Transition Initiatives.

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8 Jan 2008

Ted Trainer’s Q&A Part Four.

qa**7. How conscious are participants of the crucial need for frugality, that a sustainable and just world cannot have affluent lifestyles, that sufficiency must be the concern…and that living frugally and self-sufficiently can be highly satisfying? I think this is the most difficult problem here; there is no sign whatsoever that the squandering affluent way needs to be questioned. Maybe the best way to make a difference is to begin with the reality of peak oil, and soon people will realise that the affluence will go with the oil??**

Indeed. I think peak oil is a very powerful tool for putting a mirror up to communities to ask, “where has the resilience in this community gone?”, and for focusing the mind on how vulnerable we have become. It is my experience that there is little mileage in telling people that they will need to live more frugally, but that what is much more powerful is to take people through a thinking process where they arrive at that conclusion themselves, which is one of the key aspects of what Transition Intiatives do.

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7 Jan 2008

An Advanced Taste of the Transition Handbook.

coverHappy New Year folks and welcome back to Transition Culture. The final touches are being put to what is now definitely called **The Transition Handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience**, and I can now give you an advance taste of the wonder that it will be. On the right you can see the cover, and by clicking here you can download what’s called the blad. A blad (blad stands for Book Layout and Design) is a sample of the book that is produced for distributors, bookshops and salespeople to give them a flavour of it. Until the full book emerges late February, this’ll give you a sense of what’s coming…

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