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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 456 - 460 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

12 Feb 2008

Does Peak Oil Really “Make Ordinary Politics Irrelevant”?: Rupert Read misses the point about Transition Initiatives.

rupertIt was fascinating to read Rupert Read’s recent article posted both on his website and reproduced in the Green Party magazine Green World entitled *‘Peak Oil’ only makes the Green Party message more urgent”*, in which he sets about the Transition movement for being naive and even potentially harmful. *”Next time you hear a Transition Town aficionado peaking about how Peak Oil renders ordinary politics irrelevant, please beg to differ”*, he writes. However, Read’s piece betrays such a profound misunderstanding of where the Transition movement is coming from that I feel duty bound to respond.

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7 Feb 2008

Transition, Energy Descent Plans and Relocalisation in Australia.

**Sonya Wallace** in Sunshine Coast in Australia (Australia’s first Transition Town) just sent me a link to an interview that she did on Wonderful World Media Network which explores the relocalisation process happening there, and how their Energy Descent Plan process is going. The quality of the recording isn’t that great, indeed it does sound rather like listening into the Apollo landings at a time when the conversation moved away from booster rockets to peak oil and local currencies, but it is well worth a listen. Great to hear what people are up to there.

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6 Feb 2008

A Rather Charming Totnes Pound Story From Local Press.

cwHere is an entertaining story from one of our local papers, the Herald Express, about the **Totnes Pound**. Colourworks are our wonderful local printers, who have worked incredibly hard reducing the footprint of their business, and who are altogether charming people too. They do all Transition Town Totnes’s printing, and when they printed the second Totnes Pound, we asked them if they would be happy to take payment in them, which they did without batting an eyelid, thereby setting the record for the largest single payment in Totnes Pounds that we know of. The article also touches on the Oil Vulnerability Audit we did for them.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Rather Charming Totnes Pound Story From Local Press.

Categories: Economics, Localisation, Transition Initiatives

4 Feb 2008

Transition Town Totnes on the Bike Show.

bikeshow**The Bike Show** is
a weekly radio show about cycling, as you might imagine. It is broadcast on Resonance 104.4fm, London’s first radio art station run by the London Musicians’ Collective. The Bike Show is presented by Jack Thurston, and a couple of weeks ago Jack popped down to Totnes to record a piece about Transition Town Totnes and cycling. He recorded a number of interviews and attended an evening discussion about cycling in the town. You can hear his piece here, its well worth a listen.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Town Totnes on the Bike Show.

Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives, Transport

1 Feb 2008

“Realism Needed on Biofuel Future”: Anthony Gibson of the NFU Responds.

I wrote recently about the event in Wadebridge I spoke at with Anthony Gibson of the National Farmers Union which explored, among other things, biofuels, organics and localisation. In the interests of balance and on throwing more light onto the different perspectives that were aired that night, and offering a different perspective, here is Mr. Gibson’s regular column in the Western Morning News.

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