Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 411 - 415 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

28 Jul 2008

Something Wonderful Just Happened in Somerset

Last week, Somerset County Council voted unanimously to endorse a motion that they become the UK’s first ‘Transition Local Authority’. What is means is that SCC could start taking an integrated approach to its planning processes, putting peak oil and climate change at the heart of its forward planning. It may well also unlock funds for the many Transition initiatives emerging across Somerset. The proposal put before the Council ran as follows;

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25 Jul 2008

Peak Football and waving goodbye to Ronaldo

I spent a couple of days last week attending the Green New Deal think-tank type event in London, and at one point we were asked to speak about what we thought we would see in the world in 50 months from now (late 2012). One of the things I came up with was “the first World Cup Finals to be cancelled because no-one could get to them”. While football isn’t a subject often touched on here at Transition Culture, I have to confess I love it, and am fascinated by what we might come to call ‘peak football’. Football is not immune to the credit crunch nor to rising fuel prices, and in this age of ridiculous salaries being given to top players and insane transfer fees, something, at some point, has to give, and it looks like it might be starting to happen as we speak.

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23 Jul 2008

An Interview with Starhawk; sacred activism, collapse and the role of permaculture

The day after Starhawk‘s talk in Totnes, she visited my house so that we could do a short interview. It was a gloriously sunny day, and after we had concluded the interview, I gave her a tour of my garden (well, my raised beds at least). The interview ranged across Transition work, managing grief, activism, permaculture and much more…

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14 Jul 2008


We’re back, following some down time due to a collapsed server!  People find a variety of ways to spend their birthdays. Now that you all know that I ended up spending the evening of my recent birthday enduring ‘Sex and the City’ at the cinema, I can now attempt to redeem myself slightly by pointing you to the time I also spent that day with Nancy Durham from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, helping in the making of a short piece for Canadian TV. You can see Nancy’s article and 5 minute film here (follow the link top right corner for the film clip). I think it turned out rather well, and hope that I have, partially at least, attoned for my sins…

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Discussion: Comments Off on TTT on CBC

Categories: Localisation, Transition Initiatives, Transport

7 Jul 2008

Edible Edges: a walk around Totnes with Patrick Whitefield.

‘Edible Edges’ was a 3 hour walk around Totnes on Saturday 28th June which looked at the food growing potential of our urban corners and unloved spaces, attended by over 20 participants. The walk was in the company of Patrick Whitefield, one of the UK’s leading permaculture teachers and writers, and author of, among other things, the seminal Earth Care Manual. The day raised a number of important questions about the practicalities of growing food in urban areas, the possibilities and the challenges.

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