Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 376 - 380 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

4 Sep 2009

A Short Film for your viewing pleasure: “Somerset in Transition”

On May 30th 2009, Transition Glastonbury hosted an event called ‘Somerset in Transition’, which brought together people involved in Transition initiatives from across the county.  Speakers included Jeremy Leggett, Shaun Chamberlin and Jacqi Hodgson.  A young budding film maker, Jack Thompson-Roylance, from Glastonbury, brought along his camera and made a short film about the day.  Here it is.  Enjoy, and have a good weekend.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

29 Jul 2009

Transport in Transition. A Guest Piece by Peter Lipman.

Transformation Moment: low carbon travel.

cyclingHow, and how far, will we travel if we make the changes we need to in order to thrive in a carbon constrained society? For a range of interlocking reasons, the conclusion of this paper is that we will be happier, healthier and more resilient if we radically change from our current patterns to ones that fit into a relocalised world. In that world we will travel far less far and fast, overwhelmingly walking, cycling and using public transport.

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17 Jul 2009

A Transition Take on the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan

lowcarbonplancoverAfter many months of Ed Milliband putting himself out there are a Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change that actually gets climate change, finally his big Plan, the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan was unveiled on Wednesday, in a speech in the House of Commons that namechecked Transition Towns and which is the boldest national vision for a low carbon society yet seen.  Many others have since pitched in with their thoughts, I thought it might be useful here to offer an analysis from a Transition perspective.  In his speech, Milliband said “we know from the Transition Towns movement the power of community action to motivate people..”, clearly an outcome of his attendance as a ‘Keynote Listener’ at the Transition Network conference in May. So how does the Plan measure up, and does it actually advance what Transition initiatives and the wider relocalisation movement are doing?

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10 Jul 2009

Announcing the Release of ‘Can Totnes and District Feed Itself?’

foodfootprintsWe are delighted, after many months of work, to finally announce the release of a major piece of groundbreaking research developed by Transition Town Totnes, Transition Network and Geofutures, with support from Land Share CIC, entitled ‘Can Totnes and District Feed Itself: exploring the practicalities of food relocalisation’.  You can download the paper here.  The report is a key part of the Totnes EDAP, taking Simon Fairlie’s Can Britain Feed Itself paper and applying it to Totnes and District.

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10 Jul 2009

Insights on Resilience from the Recent History of Totnes. 4: Shopping

old-totnes-33Clearly the markets weren’t the only source of food. The High Street contained a far higher proportion of shops selling food than today. The way the shops were run was very different to today. ML describes a trip to the shops in the early 1950s;

“I used to go to the grocers and I could sit down, lovely. They’d go through your list and say, “yes, yes, we’ve some new whatever it is, would you like to taste some?” You’d have a little snippet of cheese or something, “great, yes, we’ll have that”. “Now we’ve got a tin of broken biscuits, but they’re not too bad (half price you see), would you like them?” As soon as you put a biscuit in your mouth it’s broken isn’t it! Then they’d say “now Mrs. L, you’re going to the butchers, yes, yes, and going to get some fish? Yes, yes, and paraffin? Yes, yes… and they used to say to me now bring any parcels in, we’ll put it in the box with your groceries and bring the lot up for you. And they did. They’d come and deliver and you’d go through it and say that’s fine and would you like a cup of tea….”

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