Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 356 - 360 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

17 Nov 2009

Interview on the Agroinnovations Podcast: Part Two

Here is Part Two of my interview on the Agroinnovations Podcast.

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Categories: Food, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

13 Nov 2009

The Future of Food conference, Conway Hall, London. 12th November 2009

Soil Association symbol (hi-res)Oh these mad Devon-to-London-and-back-in-a-day trips, I really must learn not to do them. I’m writing this on the train home after the train was stuck for half an hour at Pewsey due to a failed signal, which the driver waited for and then, it would appear, noted that it wasn’t working and just thought “sod it”, and carried on through it. Not sure if that’s standard procedure, anyway, at least we’re moving again. So, this is a write up of the ‘Future of Food’ event organised by the Soil Association, its International Conference, which was the cause of my early rising and late return home.

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11 Nov 2009

Vandana Shiva on how Transition initiatives in the North can best help the South

While Vandana Shiva was in Berlin recently promoting her book ‘Soil Not Oil’, Andreas Teuchert and Thomas Finger of Transition Berlin, who were filming the event, spontaneously asked her for her thoughts on what the Transition Towns movement could do that is of real use for people in the southern hemisphere. Here is her answer.

Our thanks to Andreas for allowing me to post this here.

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Discussion: 14 Comments

Categories: Economics, Food, Localisation, Politics

11 Nov 2009

Transition Taunton Town and their local Council produce a Transition Vision for 2026

tauntonJust realised I hadn’t blogged about this yet. It is an extraordinary story, one which we might regard as an example of best practice in terms of how Transition initiatives engage their local authorities.  In effect, Transition Taunton Town got over 350 staff from the local Council to create a vision for the future of the area.  You can download their plan here, but here’s how it was described over at Transition Network News.

“Something historic happened in the summer of 2009 in Taunton. A UK Local Authority decided to take a whole staff approach to their responsibility for tackling the community’s carbon footprint and dealing with the potential effects of climate change and Peak Oil.

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10 Nov 2009

Interview on the Agroinnovations Podcast: Part One

I did an interview yesterday with the Agroinnovations podcast, which went on for over an hour. It has been divided into two parts; part one has already been posted, and here it is. Part two will be up in a week or so.

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