Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 281 - 285 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

21 Jul 2010

An Update from Transition Training and Consulting

Transition Training and Consulting (TTandC) is the part of the Transition Network specifically designed to engage with businesses and organisations in our communities, and deliver transition-related training and consulting services. Run as a social enterprise, any profits go to support the work of the Transition Network. This is the first of a regular series of updates from TTandC. It aims primarily to keep transition folk posted about the work we are doing, the services we are developing,  opportunities to help, and upcoming training sessions if you wish to join us.

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14 Jul 2010

‘Transition Towns: Local Networking for Global Sustainability?’: a dissertation

Another piece of high quality research has just been produced, this time by Jonathan Balls of the University of Cambridge, entitled ‘Transition Towns: Local Networking for Global Sustainability?’

It is a very insightful and useful addition to the research literature about Transition.  One of his conclusions is: “I argue that it is the structure of Transition that is crucial to grassroots support.  As a brand and umbrella organisation, Transition is able to facilitate and foster networking potential and collective resources, which encourages participation in the model.  Yet equally important, the self‐organising nature of the model is a key attraction to people and places joining Transition.  This dual structure enables the establishment of a diverse discourse coalition, incorporated through a holistic approach to sustainability”.

You can download the document in full here.

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13 Jul 2010

The Unleashing of Transition Town Tooting

Every community that organises an Unleashing produces a very different event, a unique reflection of place, culture and people.  Last night’s Unleashing of Transition Town Tooting in London was no different.  Following hot on the heels of last week’s extraordinary Trashcatchers’ Carnival, the event marked the arrival of Transition Town Tooting, and signalled a collective statement of intent for the future.

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6 Jul 2010

Some Reflections on ‘The Big Society’….

A few people have asked me what my thoughts are on the whole ‘Big Society’ concept being promoted by the new British government.  I have attended a couple of events over the last week that have given me space to think about it all, so here I am with a few reflections.  Last week I attended the Community Land Trust conference, and yesterday I was at the launch of the Sustainable Development Commission’s ‘The Future is Local’ report.  So, for those new to the idea, the ‘Big Society’ idea is David Cameron’s big idea, focusing on localism, returning power to local communities, making central government smaller and shifting its role to the devolution of power wherever possible, calling for “a massive, radical redistribution of power”.  Here he is talking about it….

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10 Jun 2010

The Art of Rapid Transition, a new publication from nef

Last year I spoke at the Hay Literary Festival as part of a series of talks that the New Economics Foundation organised.  They were very well attended and brought some great speakers together.  Now a small book has been produced by nef, edited from transcripts of those talks, and a wonderful little gem it is too.  You can order hard copies from nef here, or download it free here.

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