Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 256 - 260 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

19 Oct 2010

Economic Collapse or Prosperity without Growth? A Conversation in Totnes…

Hot on the heels of the talk by Tim Jackson that I posted here yesterday, here is a film of a recent event that was run in Totnes, which featured Tim, as well as Ed Mayo and TTT’s Naresh Giangrande.  My thanks to the good people at nuproject for doing this…

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18 Oct 2010

A recent talk from Derby, illustrated…

Here is a rather clever thing which was produced from a talk I gave recently for Transition Derby, which mixes the slideshow and an audio file.  Very clever.

View more webinars from Transition Derby.

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12 Oct 2010

An Interview with OneWorldTV

Here is an interview I did recently via. Skype with the OneWorldTV people who are broadcasting from the current rather unproductive climate talks in China.   We had a few technical hitches but we got there in the end…

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8 Oct 2010

My Foreword to ‘Communities, Councils and a Low Carbon Future’

This week sees the launch of Alexis Rowell’s Transition Book, “Communities, councils and carbon – what we can do if governments won’t”, which will be available here at Transition Culture from early next week.  It’s a blood, sweat and tears account of life as an elected eco warrior trying to encourage local government to work with communities to make the world a greener place, packed with great case studies and tips for Transition initiatives and Councils alike.   The book is being launched next week, at 7pm on Wednesday 13th October at Caponata, 3-7 Delancy Street, Camden Town ( and speakers include: the Home Office Minister, Lynne Featherstone MP; the Chair of the Transition Network and Director of Sustrans, Pete Lipman; Author and Co-Founder of Transition Belsize, John-Paul Flintoff; and the Deputy Leader of the Local Government Association, Richard Kemp. The event is open to all interested Transitioners, although you’ll need to contact Stacey at Green Books (stacey (at) for an invite.  In the meantime, and to whet your appetite,  here is my foreword for the book.  Congratulations to Alexis on the publication of this landmark publication…

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8 Oct 2010

‘Transition in Action’: the Totnes EDAP Reviewed

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s ‘Ingredient’ which looked at Energy Descent Action Plans, here is a detailed and fascinating review of the Totnes one by Michelle Colussi, from i4 magazine.  It offers some excellent insights and well informed commentary on the Plan, and argues that it should really be thought of as an ‘Invitation’ rather than a Plan. The Totnes EDAP is still available here.   You can download the pdf. of this article (beautifully illustrated) here. Our thanks for their permission to reproduce.

The Transition Totnes Energy Descent Plan.  By Michelle Colussi.   

The Transition Town model is a series of steps or ingredients for engaging a whole community in the process of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The model assumes that life with less oil is inevitable, and that making the changes required is up to us – to you and me. It also assumes that everyone needs to be part of the solution. Residents of Totnes, England first developed the model in about 2005. Today, close to 500 communities around the world have adopted it and are recognized  as “Transition Towns.” An international Transition Network has formed to connect these initiatives and support training related to the model. 

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