Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 136 - 140 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

2 Nov 2011

An October Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

A bumper harvest of apples has resulted in an abundance of top Transition stories in the UK!   Local fruit harvesters, now part of Transition Kensal to Kilburn (K2K) were joined by the newly- formed Transition Willesden in setting up stall with traditional apple press in tow on the Kilburn High Road to make juice from locally-picked fruit.  As temperatures soared on an unusually hot autumn day, over 200 shoppers and children helped press the fruit, taste the juice and join in the fun (see above).  Pictures of the stall can be seen here; and local press coverage here, here and here. Thanks to Viv Stein of K2K for this great story!

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26 Oct 2011

A great new film resource: ‘Surfing the Waves of Change’

I know that many of you found the ‘Powerdown Show’ series a really useful resource.  Well now the Cultivate Centre in Ireland are back with a new film ‘Surfing the Waves of Change’, released today.  This is a 9 minute animation, which uses surfing as a metaphor to introduce the concept of community resilience. It explores how we can best take the steps to ensure that the places where we are living have the ability to get by in times of abrupt change and are brilliant places to live. The film accompanies a new publication from Carnegie UK Trust called, ‘Exploring Community Resilience in Times of Rapid Change’.  It’s rather wonderful. 

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25 Oct 2011

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s foreword to ‘The Transition Companion’

Thursday is the proper launch date for The Transition Companion, and some other exciting new developments will be unveiled on Thursday too.  You’re going to love them.  In the meantime, here is the wonderful foreword for the book written by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

“Observing the growth of the Transition movement over the past five years has been inspiring in so many ways. While governments and big business struggle (to put it politely) to tackle the enormous environmental issues that face us, this movement has forged ahead with its collective bid to find a creative, passionate response to the question ‘where do we go from here?’

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24 Oct 2011

A Story of Transition in 10 Objects: Number 6. A bulb of garlic

With The Transition Companion formally released this Thursday, it’s time for another ‘Story of Transition in 10 Objects’ film, this time about the Green Valley Grocer in Slaithwaite.  It’s one of the stories people particularly enjoyed from September’s round up.

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21 Oct 2011

Does Transition build happiness? An article from the latest Resurgence magazine.

Here is an article I wrote for the latest edition of Resurgence.  You can see the pdf. of it here, probably the best way to read it, as it is so beautifully laid out and designed.

In 2006, when we started what has since become the Transition movement, we imagined it as an environmental movement. It was conceived as a solutions-focused, bottom-up response to peak oil and climate change. Now, with five years of experimentation and experience under our belts, we see it more as a cultural movement, exploring what the culture of a place needs to look like in order for it to be best prepared for increasingly uncertain times (contracting energy supplies, price volatility, economic uncertainty, and so on).

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