Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 681 - 684 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

11 Nov 2005

Transitions, Transitions…

Louise Rooney of Transition Design in Ireland recently sent me the following links, which are a rather interesting Dutch perspective on what they call **Transition Management**. Before I give you the links, I’ll just introduce Transition Design, they are looking to build on the work that was begun with the Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan, and are aiming to offer both Councils and communities support in developing such plans. They are also organising 2006’s Fuelling the Future conference, which will largely focus on Energy Descent Planning and designing for transition. It looks like it will be over the weekend of June 24th -25th, so keep that free in your diary. You can hear an excellent interview with Catherine Dunne of Transition Design here.

So, anyway, there are the three articles,

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Categories: Localisation

11 Nov 2005

The Prince of Peak

You may have seen this already, but Richard Heinberg sharing a platform with Prince Charles and telling an assembled audience made up of members of major corporations (Ford, Shell, Dow Chemical, Daimler Chrysler, Cisco, Agilent), mayors (San Francisco, Oakland) and other government representatives (NASA, CalEPA), banks, utilities (Pacific Gas and Electric, Calpine) and universities that peak oil and climate change are a reality and that “Somehow we have to find the courage to reassert the once commonplace belief that human beings have a duty to act as the stewards of creation” is definitely something to draw your attention to. I haven’t yet found a link to Prince Charles’ speech, but Richard Heinberg’s to the same event can be read here.

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Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil

10 Nov 2005

A Buddhist Perspective

I have long admired Ken Jones, the Buddhist writer who has written a great deal about the concept of socially engaged Buddhism. Ken lives in Wales and has written widely on the subject and is one of the founders of the Network of Engaged Buddhists. His insights on activism and social change are of great relevance to those of us designing methods for engaging communties in energy descent work.

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Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil

8 Nov 2005

Pass the Dilithium Crystals Scotty…

The free energy argument is picking up momentum as the implications of peak oil kick in. At every talk I have given or been to on peak oil there is always a token free energy advocate, who once read a book by Viktor Schauberger or Nikolai Tesla, and who thinks that the US Government has had ownership of this technology for decades but has kept it secret, while at the same time, alongside powerful US corporations, it buys up the patents on any free energy machine developed anywhere, popping the plans in a drawer never again to see the light of day. It is a nice idea (and probably a convenient interpretation of the fact that actually no-one ever actually came up with a free energy machine because it is impossible…). It is reassuring to think that what Richard Heinberg calls ‘the magic elixir’ is out there somewhere, almost ready to go into production. We can all keep driving, business as usual will continue forever.

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Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil