Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 666 - 670 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

31 Dec 2005

10 Books on Solutions for Energy Descent You Must Read in 2006

books2If I might be so presumptous as to suggest a few things you might like to read in the New Year…. here are 10 books I am really enjoying that you might find useful if you are interested in designing solutions for energy descent. They are things that I have found to be useful recently, either in part or as a whole, and I hope they prove to be of use to you. They are in no particular order, and there are many others that could have gone in here instead. I am told making lists is a peculiarly nerdy male thing to do, as in Nick Hornby’s ‘High Fidelity’, but there you are. What to do. You might like to add below any others that you feel to be essential reads. Wishing you an abundant and peaceful New Year.

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20 Dec 2005

Colin Campbell Interview on the Oil Depetion Protocol

Colin **Colin Campbell** (here looking full of Christmas cheer!) recently recorded an interview with **Global Public Media** which explores the Oil Depletion Protocol. It gives a very good overview of the Protocol and he also refers to the Kinsale Energy Descent process as a good example of what needs to be done as a response to peak oil. If you have never heard Colin before this gives a good introduction to him. GPM also recorded an interview with me last night which will be posted soon, I’ll let you know when that goes up. You can hear Colin’s interview here. If you never visited GPM before, you will find a wonderful resource of interviews and articles on all aspects of peak oil.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Colin Campbell Interview on the Oil Depetion Protocol

Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil

17 Dec 2005

The Totnes Energy Descent Dialogue

TotnesdialogueOn Friday 16th December in Totnes, members of the Global Eco-Village Network, GAIA University, Sustainable Ireland Co-Operative, Transition Culture and others came together to explore the ‘heart’ aspect of energy descent planning work. The meeting was part of the initial work to design an Energy Descent process for Totnes, and invited people with relevant experience to share their ideas in a day-long dialogue.

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16 Dec 2005

The Lessons from Kinsale – Part Four

**Lesson 4 – Designing in Flexibility**

leafI once did a course with Australian permaculture teacher Dave Clark, who talked about his experiences working doing permaculture in refugee camps in Macedonia. You can read more about his work here, here, and especially here. He was dealing with large numbers of people moving to places with no infrastructure, all of which had to be created. He did amazing work, building strawbale buildings, food gardens, putting in miles of swales and hundreds of thousands of trees. One thing he said really stayed with me.

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15 Dec 2005

First Steps in Totnes

TotnesTalkOn the evening of Wednesday 14th December I gave a presentation called **”Unleashing Abundance in Response to Peak Oil”** at Bogan House in Totnes. About 55 people came and it was very well received. The talk was a follow up to the screening of The End of Suburbia that we organised last week. I recorded the talk, and once I master the technology I will post it here. The evening felt like a very positive first step in working towards an Energy Descent process for Totnes (not the greatest photo ever taken though…).

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