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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 661 - 665 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

11 Jan 2006

Interview on Global Public Media


You may be interested to hear an interview with me that was just posted on **Global Public Media**. You can either download it or listen to it straight off their site.

robTheir blurb says, *”Permaculture designer and instructor Rob Hopkins talks to David Room of Global Public Media about energy descent and the Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan, which was conceived by Hopkins’ students at Kinsale Further Education College, edited by Hopkins, and approved by the Kinsale Town Council in Cork, Ireland”*. You can here the interview here.

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8 Jan 2006

The Lessons from Kinsale – Part Five

**Lesson 5. What Could Have Been Done Better…**

Kinsale StudentsThis is not really something I should be writing really, this is more something that the people who have taken the **Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan** (KEDAP) on or the residents of Kinsale should be writing, but I will give some thoughts that I have had on the subject. As previous posts have set out, the KEDAP arose from a programme of community brainstorming, awareness raising, the work of the students and the inputs of various people in the area with ideas to offer. It has gone on to end up being approved by the Town Council, and is leading to some interesting developments. But if we had our time over, what might we have done differently?

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5 Jan 2006

Peak Oil MSc First Draft – Feedback Appreciated.

PumpAs you may know I am in the middle of doing an MSc, for which the dissertation will look at peak oil and how we engage communities in developing grassroots-led responses to it. There is a large gap in the peak oil literature in the area of how communities and organisations might be empowered to begin to design solutions. There is much thinking along these lines from areas as diverse as social change, transition management, community work, human evolutionary development, the anti-globalisation movement, spiritual thinking and eco-psychology that is relevant to this question. I have finished the **first draft of the first section** which is the literature review on peak oil. Inspired by Richard Heinberg‘s approach, I am putting it out there and inviting anyone who can be bothered to read it to offer comments and feedback, for which I would be very grateful. I will do likewise with drafts of the subsequent sections. You can access the document here. MSc Draft. Thank you for your time.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Peak Oil MSc First Draft – Feedback Appreciated.

Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

3 Jan 2006

Robert Hirsch Tells It Like It Is…

OilOne of the leading figures in the peak oil community is **Robert Hirsch**. I have written about him previously at Transition Culture, his ‘Hirsch Report’ has been hailed by many as one of the most important pieces of research in this area. The report was asked to look at how far in advance it would take to prepare for the peak, rather than when the peak would be. The results shocked even Hirsch and his team. The scale and magnitude of the challenge they identified was such that Hirsch admits to feeling overwhelmed; it took a few months before he felt able to go out into the world and be constructive and positive about the challenge of oil peak. Hirsch has not given that many interviews (at least not many that I have come across..), so I was fascinated to see that David Room of **Global Public Media** has just posted an interview with Hirsch. It is fascinating, sobering and illuminating listening.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Economics, Localisation, Peak Oil

2 Jan 2006

An Interview with Michael Shuman.

ShumanAs you will have seen from my previous posting, someone I admire greatly is Michael Shuman of the Institute for Local Self Reliance in the US. If I had a *’People I Would Like to Meet in 2006’* list, he would definitely be in the top three. His book **Going Local** is one of the best books on the subject of localisation. The ever-wonderful Energy Bulletin drew my attention to the fact that the latest edition of Hope Dance magazine is all about energy, and contains an excellent inteview with Shuman called Going Local: Creating Self Reliant Communities Now. Do check it out, I think he has a lot of interesting things to say. There are lots of other interesting pieces in the magazine too.

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Discussion: Comments Off on An Interview with Michael Shuman.

Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil