Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 656 - 660 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

24 Jan 2006

Local Energy – Local Currency – Local Power

solarI have an idea evolving in my head, and I want to put it out there for your feedback and thoughts. As the ‘Hands’ part of the **Head, Heart and Hands** approach I am developing towards the response to peak oil, I am exploring structures and mechanisms that we can develop for driving localisation. The one I am focusing on at the moment is the ESCO, or Energy Supply Company, which is designed to provide people with the services that energy does, rather than the energy itself. ESCOs are often the tool used to

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil

18 Jan 2006

EPRIDA – too good to be true?

epridaLast week I listened in to a lecture **Bernard Lietaer** gave at Schumacher College called ‘Tools for a Planetary Wisdom Civilisation’, which looked at his thoughts on a new approach to international economics, what he called ‘Intentional Economics’. The last part of his talk looked at a technology he is involved in promoting called Eprida. When looking at solutions to the peak oil challenge, I tend to work on the basis that anything that sounds too good to be true generally isn’t true. Eprida sounds very promising, and I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on it.

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17 Jan 2006

Hemenway – Urban Versus Rural (slight return).

ActivistI wrote back in November about Toby Hemenway’s article on urban versus rural sustainability which had had such a profound effect on me. You might like to read his follow up article to that one, called **’Cities, peak oil, and sustainability’**, which builds on the previous one, and responds to some of the criticisms the first one has received. For me he hits the nail on the head again. The article appears in the Permaculture Activist, surely the

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17 Jan 2006

Kinsale Piece in Local Paper

Southern Star

Louise Rooney of **Transition Design** just let me know about a piece in the West Cork local paper The Southern Star. The piece is about the meeting of the Town Council at which the Plan was approved. It is interesting to hear the comments of the various Councillors, even the one who seems to have slightly missed the point, thinking that it will lead to the use of more smokeless fuels! The article is called Kinsale Council Support Transition Town Venture. You may need to register in order to view the pages, but hopefully this link will work.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Kinsale Piece in Local Paper

Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil

14 Jan 2006

Bernard Lietaer’s Talk at Schumacher College – ‘The Future of Money’.

LeitaerI was fortunate enough to attend a talk by economist **Bernard Leitaer** at Schumacher College the other evening. He was teaching part of their The Future of Money course, and, in the Schumacher tradition, offered a public talk one evening. Leitaer is author of, among other things, The Future of Money, and is widely regarded as one of the experts on alternative currency systems. These notes are compiled from my notes, so any mistakes are due to my poor notetaking ( I was sat on the windowsill at the back!). Much of what he had to say is very relevant to those of us working in the field of localisation and energy descent. He is a powerful and extremely knowledgable speaker.

He began by asking how many

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: General, Localisation