Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 651 - 655 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

23 Feb 2006

Clay Plastering in Charing Cross Tube Station

cc1I was up in London over the last couple of days (hence the lack of posts…) to attend the **EcoBuild** conference (I’ll tell you more about that tomorrow) where I was to give a talk. On my way there I passed through Charing Cross underground station, which is decorated with beautiful floor to ceiling panels of old woodcuts showing medieval folks building houses. It shows people gathering coppice timber and building stone walls, but my natural builder’s eye was drawn to one that showed people preparing clay plasters.

That looks very familiar I thought, and was cast back to

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Categories: Localisation, Natural Building

13 Feb 2006

Kinsale Action Plan – sending up shoots around the world…

KEDAP Since the Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan was produced last June, it has been amazingly virulent, popping up all over the place, something akin to Japanese Knotweed, but hopefully more useful. I just Googled it to get a sense of where it is appearing and what it is leading to and was quite impressed with the results.

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Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil

8 Feb 2006

Next Steps in Kinsale…

KINSALE Louise at **Transition Design** in Kinsale recently gave a presentation to the Town Council as a follow on from the night in December when the Council voted unanimously to adopt their proposal that Kinsale begin working towards becoming a ‘Transition Town’, and begin to implement the proposals set out in the Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan. They had asked her to cost and set out a plan of work for the next year, with a view to some possible funding from the Council.

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27 Jan 2006

Starting Monday- **Top Five Trees for Life Beyond Oil.**

treesOn Monday begins a new 5 part series at **TransitionCulture**, looking at trees that will be of most use to us as we redesign our communities for the realities of energy descent. I make no claim to it being a scientifically unbiased list, these are trees I have come to love and which I think will be an essential part of our transition toolkits. It’s a ridiculous concept really, as if there are only five trees that will be needed beyond oil peak, but what I am trying to do is to interest and inspire you about some of the less mentioned and more essential ones. I’ll post a new tree every day. Trees are uniquely useful, they build soil, they clean the air, they make rain, they provide habitat, they lock up carbon, they shelter, feed and inspire us, and they can be among the most beautiful things on this earth. In choosing the trees I will be offering to you in this series, I have

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Food, Localisation, Permaculture

26 Jan 2006

Think-and-Do-Tanks … learning from the Neo-Cons.

Think TankOne thing that really struck me when I attended a lecture Bernard Lietaer gave the other week, was when he talked about the need for us to set up what he called **’Think and Do Tanks’**. He talked about the neo-cons in the US, we may not like them very much but they have been highly successful at making their vision for the world a reality. They didn’t just have an idea. They also worked out the fine details of how to implement it, prepared budgets and also drafted the legislation that would be required. They lobbied Congress very skillfully and now here we are as their vision starts to become reality around the world. If you aren’t sure what their vision is, then I suggest you read

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