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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 646 - 650 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

6 Mar 2006

“Revenge of Gaia” – James Lovelock Speaks at Dartington.

lovelockLast Friday I went to see James Lovelock speaking to a packed Barn Cinema in Dartington as a promotion for his new book “The Revenge of Gaia”. The evening was, as I expected, one of mixed emotions, although ultimately I found it deeply frustrating. Lovelock is of course best known as creator of the Gaia theory, that of the Earth as a self-regulating organism. The original book on this theory had a profound effect on me. Seeing him last night, telling us that we are all doomed, and nothing we can think or do will have the slightest effect, felt a bit like seeing a band whose first album completely changed your life and became the soundtrack of a part of your history playing, ten years later, in Butlins, all flabby and sweaty and directionless.

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2 Mar 2006

Eco-Build ’06. Talk No.3. Chiel Boonstra – The Passive House.

passiv**Chiel Boonstra** is a Senior Consultant DVH Building and Industry Sustainability Consultants and a specialist in the Passive House model. His lecture focused on the Passive House, which is a concept for a house which requires no space heating at all. Clearly there is a lot that can be learnt from this excellent model which will be needed in post-peak housing. However, there is a catch.

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1 Mar 2006

Local Solutions Conference, New York.


Well, I know where I’d like to be at the end of April! How about this for the ultimate conference on peak oil and relocalisation as the response to it? The conference is called Local Solutions to the Energy Dilemma and has a dazzling array of speakers, including Steve Andrews,
Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Klare, James Howard Kunstler, Geoff Lawton, Andrew McKillop, Pat Murphy, David Pimentel, Megan Quinn, David Room, Michael Ruppert and Matt Savinar among a much longer list of others, all looking at the practicalities of economic relocalisation as a response to peak oil. Do check out their website and get along and support this event if you can.

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27 Feb 2006

Eco-Build ’06. Three Beacons of Sanity – strawbale, hemp and Earthships…

eb2Amid the ocean of ‘sustainable’ concrete salesmen, property developers and petrochemical insulation companies, three things stood out at EcoBuild as beacons of post-peak sanity. The first of these was the strawbale lecture theatre build by Barbara Jones and Bee Rowan of Amazon Nails. It was a beautiful example of strawbale building, with sections of the walls lovingly plastered. It was great to be able to do a talk about natural building in a strawbale theatre. They had built it in just two days, with sections of it being plastered with lime showing the different coats.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Localisation, Natural Building, Peak Oil

26 Feb 2006

Please support the Powering Down Blogathon.

toonAaron Nuline, who runs the excellent Powering Down blog recently participated in a ‘blogathon’ where he basically sat and posted blogs on his site all night in support of Trees for Life. Do send a donation in support of this particularly 21st Century way of raising money for charity. Fair play to the man for managing to think of anything interesting to say for such a long period of time. Indeed, some of the output he produced through no doubt bleary eyes was some of the finest I have yet read on his site, including stuff on David Holmgren, cloth nappies, mobile phones and eco-villages (all subjects close to my heart…), as well as this great cartoon. Have a look and then get your credit card out and support this noble (if not slightly bonkers) venture.

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Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil, Permaculture