Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 631 - 635 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

18 May 2006

Leading the Way Conference and the launch of the D.A.R.E. Report (downloadable here…)

Richard PymLast week at the Great Hall at Dartington saw a conference called **’Leading the Way – the Potential for Renewable Energy in the South Hams’** which launched a new report by the Devon Association for Renewable Energy. The report looks at all the renewable energy options for Totnes and the wider South Hams area, and assesses their feasibility and how much energy each option could provide. Its conclusion is that if all renewable energy options for the area were harnessed to the maximum they could generate between 30 and 40% of current demand, identifying conservation as the essential first step.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Leading the Way Conference and the launch of the D.A.R.E. Report (downloadable here…)

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Technology

16 May 2006

A Busy and Productive Week in Kinsale…

**Brian Weller from Willits, California, visits Kinsale. A Report by Graham Strouts**

seminarThe process of relocalization was the focus of a visit to Kinsale on May 5th-6th by Brian Weller of Willits Economic LocaLization (W.E.L.L.) in northern California. About 50 people came to the Anchor Hotel in Kinsale on the Friday night to hear Brian speak, and 30 people from communities around Kinsale, Cork County and beyond attended the seminar the following day.

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9 May 2006

Exclusive to Transition Culture. Fritjof Capra on Relocalisation – an Interview.

fritjof and me**Fritjof Capra** is one of the foremost green thinkers, especially in the field of ecology and systems thinking. He is the author of many seminal books, such as the Tao of Physics, The Web of Life, The Turning Point and most recently, The Hidden Connections. He is currently teaching at Schumacher College and I was lucky enough to be able to grab him for two interviews, one about relocalisation initiatives (in particular the Transition Town Totnes project due to start this September), and one about peak oil. Unfortunately one of my kids put a chair leg through my mp3 player so I was unable to record the first one, instead taking copious notes, so any mistakes herein are entirely down to my poor note taking. The second (which I’ll post tomorrow) was filmed, so the transcript is taken directly from that.

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3 May 2006

Why Nuclear Power is a Non-Response to Peak Oil – Part 2…. because this is The Only Chance to Get It Right…

nuclear plantMy first reason why nuclear power is a non-response to peak oil is that it will take the steam out of the profound and far-reaching renewables revolution which is the only thing that will actually get us through peak oil. In the long run, we need to restructure society so that it becomes more local, with local food production, decentralised energy grids and so on, as has long been argued at **Transition Culture** . This is the ONLY thing that will pull us through. Nuclear power offers the illusion that “something is being done”, and takes the steam and the necessary funding out of the urgency to start the programme of profound change needed.

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1 May 2006

Peak Oil to Prematurely Prevent the Perilous Pursuit of a Precarious Paradise…

spainThe Independent on Sunday this week had a supplement with it called “Overseas Property” full of ways that British folks can buy their ‘dream holiday house’ in Spain or Portugal. The giveaway of course was in smaller print on the cover, “produced in association with British Airways”. Yes, of course. It is the cheap air travel that makes “buying your dream home by the sea” even a starter. I have got to feeling that there is something terribly undesirable and impendingly disastrous about all this. I’m sure some people will disagree, but I think there is something very important at issue here.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Economics, Localisation, Peak Oil