Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 616 - 620 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

11 Jul 2006

Ask the Wrong Questions and You’ll Get The Wrong Answers – ADAS Report on Future Land Use in the UK.

ukLast Friday’s Independent ran a piece called How a ‘green’ Britain should look in the year 2020, which reported on a study by ADAS, a body which specialises in supplying advice on the environment, which looked at how the Government’s present renewables targets will affect land use in the UK. The results were very disappointing, and highlighted the delusional thinking in Government circles in relation to the whole peak oil question. Reading between the lines is a skill we all need to learn and fast.

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6 Jul 2006

What Can We Learn from Jamie’s School Dinners? – 10 Insights for Energy Descent.

jamieI’m sure you all saw this when it came out, but not having a TV I only just saw it on the newly released DVD. For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Jamie Oliver is a TV chef who undertook to try and change school dinners in the UK. The programme and the campaign that arose from it have had a huge effect on school meals in the UK, and, it could be argued, did more to put one issue on the public agenda than any single campaign run by an environmental group over the last 50 years. So, what can we learn from Jamie’s School Dinners that can help with energy descent planning projects?

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5 Jul 2006

Lomborg, Climate Change and Energy Descent.

lomborg**Bjorn Lomborg** is Environmentalist Baiter Supreme, the one guy with some letters after his name who is wheeled out in the media to represent the scientific face of climate denial. Despite having been accused of scientific dishonesty by the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty, he is still out there, touting his free market ideas. This Sunday’s Observer newspaper included an article by Lomborg called Climate change can wait. World health Can’t.

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19 Jun 2006

5 Great Things About the Eden Project #5. It Shows That Anything Is Possible … Even Powerdown.

eden1The thing that most touched me and which I most took away from my visit to Eden was the sense that anything is possible. Tim Smit had a vision, a vision of turning a clapped out and bleak old clay pit in one of the most depressed parts of the country into one of the most extraordinary places in the UK. He had no money, nothing much to speak of other than a vision and the passion with which to communicate it.

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16 Jun 2006

Is Our Collective Oil Dependence an Addiction? Further Reflections on the Matter …

addicts2The recent post exploring whether or not our relationship to oil can be seen in terms of a dependency certainly got you going, and yielded some fascinating comments. Some other discussion boards on the net picked up the article and some people could barely restrain their fury at the notion that we might be addicted to oil. The feedback on **Transition Culture** was very interesting, a good balance of for and against. I wanted to make a few observations on some of the comments and respond to some of the points they raised.

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