Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 591 - 595 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

24 Oct 2006

Peak Oil – Don’t Panic! An upcoming article for Connect Magazine…

connect*I have recently started writing a regular page for Connect Magazine called **The Powerdown Page**. This is the first one I wrote, which attempts to offer an introduction to the whole subject for the novice peakoiler. Subsequent articles will go in more depth into different aspects of what people can do to prepare for the peak. The title comes from a talk I gave this summer at the Shambhala Family Camp, where I went to do a talk called “Preparing for Life After Oil”, or somesuch, but on the blackboard outside someone had written **”Rob Hopkins – peak oil, don’t panic!”** which I much preferred.*

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20 Oct 2006

Reflections on my Trip to Jersey.

cowsI just spent a very enjoyable couple of days on the island of Jersey, at the invitation of the Jersey National Trust, Jersey Slow Food and the Jersey Organic Association, taking the message of energy descent and powerdown to the island. Jersey is home to about 90,000 people on a beautiful island near the French coast. My trip was organised by Alasdair Crosby, a reporter from the Jersey Evening Post and founder of Jersey Slow Food.

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9 Oct 2006

The World’s Best Documented Post-Peak Open Space Event Ever?

tttosWe had a fantastic day on Saturday, Transition Town Totnes’ first Open Space day, **’How Will Totnes Feed Itself Beyond the Age of Cheap Oil?’** Not only did we get a good turnout and generate lots of wonderful connections and ideas, we also successfully trialled our putting the whole event live on the site as it unfolded. You can see the results on the Transition Town Totnes website, with photos and all the ideas generated. Our idea that lots of people around the world would be emailing in their thoughts and input didn’t quite come to pass, but as you’ll see, a couple of people did. We learnt lots from this event that we will be able to use to improve this coming Saturday’s event, which is about energy. Have a read of the write up of the event, it was quite something.

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Discussion: Comments Off on The World’s Best Documented Post-Peak Open Space Event Ever?

Categories: Community Involvement, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

4 Oct 2006

Transition Town Totnes – The Story So Far by Naresh Giangrande.

tot1*My TTT colleague and fellow peak oil activist Naresh Giangrande wrote this piece as notes for a talk he gave to Totnes Friends of the Earth last night, and I felt it gave such a good overview of the project and what it is doing that I asked him if I could post it here. Naresh runs Living on the Cusp, and runs workshops around the country on preparing for peak oil.*

Transition Town Totnes began the with understanding that we are facing imminent social collapse. Not the slow but steady social collapse that FOE, Greenpeace, the Club of Rome, and others have been warning about for decades now,

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3 Oct 2006

Communities, Refuges, and Refuge-Communities – a Survivalist Response by Zachary Nowak.

its*My response to Zachary’s recent article generated more comments than any other previous piece on **Transition Culture**. I will write something about all that soon, but in the meantime, he has written a thoughtful piece restating his thoughts and his position on all this. I am delighted that he has chosen this as the venue to publish it. It is a very honest piece, and one which, if the last one is anything to go by, you will enjoy commenting on!*

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