Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 536 - 540 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

19 Mar 2007

Transition Town Totnes on the Two Degree Show.

coinThe concept of Transition Towns and the work underway here in Totnes was the subject of a recent edition of **The Two Degree Show** which is broadcast in London on Resonance 104.4FM and which you will find archived here. The archive is hosted by the Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN) and is syndicated to other community radio stations. In the archive you will also find other previous interviews, including George Monbiot, Meyer Hillman and Mark Lynas.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Town Totnes on the Two Degree Show.

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

16 Mar 2007

Peak Oil and Beyond – Q&A with Heinberg, Campbell and Leggett – Part 4 (the last one…).

discR. So, some questions on peak oil … it’s not very often you’re going to have the opportunity of these three esteemed people in front of you!

**Q15. Yes, it’s amazing. I have a question – I’m still trying to get my head around this time-scale. The idea of say, a localisation program by 2020 in Oakland, is that where we’re going to need to be, when everything starts to become a survival issue?**

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Discussion: Comments Off on Peak Oil and Beyond – Q&A with Heinberg, Campbell and Leggett – Part 4 (the last one…).

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Politics

13 Mar 2007

Peak Oil and Beyond – Q&A with Heinberg, Campbell and Leggett – Part 1.

d1At January’s Soil Association conference “One Planet Agriculture”, I chaired a session called **”Peak Oil And Beyond – a Discussion Circle”**, which gave delegates the opportunity to question Richard Heinberg and Colin Campbell, and later Jeremy Leggett, about peak oil and related issues. The session ran for over an hour, so rather than bombard you with it all at once, I will run it in installments over the next few days. It was a fascinating discussion, ranging over peak oil, climate change, agriculture, land reform, and much more. Many thanks to Tamzin for nobly transcribing all this! I hope you find it useful.

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12 Mar 2007

Molly Scott Cato’s Talk in Totnes – “The Bioregional Economy”.

molly**Molly Scott Cato** is the Green Party’s economics spokesperson and is the author of *’Market Schmarket’*. We were delighted when she agreed to come to Totnes to talk at our event last week to launch the TTT Economics and Livelihoods Group. Her talk touched on both the reasons for a more bioregional economy and how we might achieve it.

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7 Mar 2007

Notes from the Meeting of International Forum on Globalisation – Day Two.

lucasThe second day was, like the first, an unbroken but wonderful IFG-athon, with lots of talks and no breaks. There were some fascinating talks and insights, to which, once again, my dreadful notetaking and occasionally heavy eyelids will do little justice beyond giving you a taste of the kinds of things covered. The first session was called “Campaigners Roundtable, Strategic Policy Concepts and Proposals, targets, tactics and opportunities”. The first speaker was the wonderful Caroline Lucas MEP. Her talk was called “Assessment of Negotitations and Proposals”. She began by asking “will we go down in history as the species that spent all its time monitoring its own demise?”

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Politics