Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 521 - 525 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

24 Apr 2007

Transition Values are Catching on Fast – from the Western Morning News. 23rd April 2007.

wmn**Transition Values are Catching on Fast.** Western Morning News.
Original available here.

Geologists and environmentalists warn that the end of the era of cheap oil is nigh, with a change to the world’s dependency on crude likely to cause global upheaval. **Graeme Demianyk** speaks to the co-ordinator of a fast-growing movement, flowering in Totnes, that is adapting to this new world.

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20 Apr 2007

You Are Now Entering an Oil-Free Zone. The Guardian. April 19th 2007.

g2Yesterday’s Guardian carried a piece about Transition Towns in its G2 Section, which looked beyond Totnes to a number of the other towns starting the process. It was a fairly well balanced piece, although I felt a bit uneasy with its overemphasising the significance of the oral histories and also with the term ‘transition townies’ to describe people involved in the process. I certainly hope that one doesn’t catch on. Great to see some of the other towns coming to the fore though…

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19 Apr 2007

The Totnes Pound – going well and considering its evolution.

tpLast Sunday’s Observer magazine mentioned the Totnes Pound in an article called How Green Can Your Money Be? by Lucy Siegle, as part of the Ethical Living section. The Totnes Pound pilot is going very well, they are still out there changing hands, most shops getting asked for them more often than they are actually able to give them out in change. As I wrote here when we launched it, we put 300 notes into circulation, and the pilot runs until June 1st. At that point we will interview the various shops that took them and collect the data from the notes in terms of how many times they changed hands. This will be formulated into a report that we will publish, at **Transition Culture** among other places. It should be a really useful piece of research.

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: Economics, Localisation

17 Apr 2007

The Wisdom of Old Buildings and the “Golden Stain of Time”.

b2Over the Easter break I went to Bradford-on-Avon near Bath, a beautiful place, blessed with a fine canal and some beautiful old buildings. I am always drawn to old buildings. There is something about them that is hard to define, what Christopher Alexander called The Timeless Way of Building. Hydrocarbon man has often vilified the buildings of our ancestors as basic and backward, but very often the common sense and practical ingenuity they contain is something we can only admire. The Victorian art critic John Ruskin summed up for me what is so powerful about old buildings when he wrote;

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Localisation, Natural Building

13 Apr 2007

A Date for the Diary. ‘Positive Energy – going carbon neutral’ – a conference at Findhorn.

fh1You might want to put the following event in your diary now, it promises to be one of the highlights of 2008. The Findhorn Foundation in Scotland has decided to do its Spring conference on community responses to peak oil and climate change, with the title **Positive Energy – going carbon neutral**. Speakers will include Joanna Macey, Richard Heinberg, Megan Quinn, Jonathan Dawson and myself. While the conference is still at the very early planning stages, here is the information such as it as at the moment.

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