Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 501 - 505 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

28 Jun 2007

The 12 Steps of Transition – The Movie(s).

**The 12 Steps of Transition** are really central to the whole Transition process, and have been documented here in the past. Now, thanks to Alex Munslow’s inexhaustable one-man editing empire, we can now present two films which, combined, present the 12 Steps in all their glory, using material from the TN event in Nailsworth. The first one (above) is of Steps 1-6, and the second (below) is Steps 7-12. Combined they hopefully take you on a journey through the steps that can be assembled in a variety of ways to get your Transition process going successfully. Many thanks to Alex for making these available. Where would we be without YouTube? Who ever needs television ever again? (indeed, who ever needed it in the first place?).

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27 Jun 2007

The Importance of Resilience and the History of Totnes – a Short Film.

Alex Munslow has been editing again, doing marvellous things with the footage he took at the Inaugural Transition Network meeting a few weeks back. This time, he has taken a section out of the talk I gave which focuses on resilience, and on the historical resilience that used to underpin the UK that we have largely dismantled, and made a short film out of it, which you can now see on YouTube. Just click on the image above, and off I go!

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26 Jun 2007

Transition Towns Going Virally Viral.

gmThis whole Transition thing is really quite extraordinary. I spent a morning last week at a TTT Project Support group meeting, getting a sense of all that is happening in the various projects, it is quite amazing. Then I got back to see an email from Ben Brangwyn, who co-ordinates the Network, with a list of all the communities who have been in touch and who are ‘mulling over’ becoming a Transition Initiative, eyewatering. It was over 90 towns, in addition to the 17 who are now already officially Transition Initiatives. And this from there only being two (Totnes and Kinsale) last September. The momentum is growing and feels really quite unstoppable.

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18 Jun 2007

The Heart and Soul of Transition Initiatives.

h&sOne of the most exciting initiatives happening as part of Transition Town Totnes is the **Heart and Soul group** who are exploring the psychology of change. Totnes has a relatively high therapist/counsellor per-square-metre ratio compared to other parts of the country, and the H&S group ask the question, “how can the insights from these fields inform and support a community-scale energy descent process?” Their work is fascinating and they are one of the liveliest groups within the TTT umbrella. One of its co-focalisers is Hilary Prentice, and in this article she wrote recently for the Psychotherapists for Social Responsibility’s journal ‘Transformations’, she sets out the nature of the work they are doing.

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14 Jun 2007

Transition Town Totnes Interviews on Climate Radio

coinAt the recent Inaugural Transition Network Conference at Ruskin Mill in Nailsworth, Phil England of the Low Carbon Show did interviews with some of those present about Transition Initiatives and their thoughts on the day’s proceedings. They included Naresh Giangrande of TTT, Nick Weir of Transition Stroud and pioneer of CSAs and Community Farm Land Trusts, Dr Pamela Gray, Transition Penwith Medicine group co-ordinator and Jo Hamilton from Oxford Climate Exchange. It makes for a very interesting listen, and captures some of the energy and enthusiasm that was so abundant on the day. You can listen to it here.

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