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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Localisation” category

Showing results 496 - 500 of 684 for the category: Localisation.

9 Aug 2007

New Transition Film on You Tube.

Jim and Mary Beth Heddle of the EON, the Ecological Options Network, have just posted on YouTube the film they made when they were in Totnes during the winter, which consists largely of the interviews we already posted the transcripts of, interspersed with little vignettes of me walking around the town. As a single film that covers the broad territory of the Transition concept, it is one of the best that we have. Have a look. It does fail to answer the question though, that why it is that every time a film crew or radio reporter comes to Totnes it pours with rain…. (as you might have noticed in the Radio Scotland piece posted yesterday).

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Discussion: Comments Off on New Transition Film on You Tube.

Categories: Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Towns

1 Aug 2007

Totnes Pounds Raised in the House!

commonsI was fascinated to see that Totnes MP Anthony Steen raised both Transition Town Totnes and the Totnes Pound in a question in the House of Commons a couple of weeks ago. This is in the wake of the piece he wrote in the local papers, waxing lyrical about TTT. In Questions on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the subject of local food production, he managed, in one question, to cover peak oil, the fragility of import dependency, the role of local currencies and the Transition concept, not bad! The exchange ran as follows;

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Discussion: Comments Off on Totnes Pounds Raised in the House!

Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil, Politics, Transition Towns

17 Jul 2007

Local MP Enthuses About Transition Town Totnes.

as1How’s about this? Anthony Steen is the Conservative MP for Totnes, and isn’t the first person you would necessarily think of when looking for a green leaning thinker. He has recently undergone what one might call a climate change conversion, and now, seems to have also really grasped the Transition Town thing in a big way. He helped with the launch of the Totnes Pound, and last Saturday, in his monthly column in the local paper, the Herald Express, wrote a piece which was staggering in its enthusiasm for the work that TTT is doing (see below). How this translates into other areas of policy and so on remains to be seen, but credit where it is due for openeness to new ideas.

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16 Jul 2007

Transition Initiatives Explored in Depth on Global Public Media.


You might like to hear a second, more detailed, and less sleepy interview with Andi Hazelwood at **Global Public Media** which I did last week. In it we explored in more depth the Transition concept, the Totnes experience and the ‘7 Buts’, the reasons why people can stop themselves from beginning Transition projects. You can hear the interview over at Global Public Media, where you can either stream it or download it as an mp3 file. I think it gives a good overview of where this is all going, I hope you find it useful.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Initiatives Explored in Depth on Global Public Media.

Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Towns

29 Jun 2007

Buy a Totnes Pound and Help Maximise Its Potential.

tpThe Totnes Pound project is now launched, and is, by all accounts, doing rather well. 10,000 notes have been printed and will be sold into circulation, and rather nice they are too. They have all kinds of security features, UV light, heat sensitive ink and so on, and it will be seen if and how they become truly adopted as the currency of choice in the town. Apart from some financial help with the printing of the notes, the Totnes Pound initiative is unfunded, and entirely dependent on volunteer input. For people outside the town who would like to get their hands on some of these historic notes, we have put together a **Presentation Pack**, comprising a Totnes Pound note and a copy of the detailed information leaflet about the scheme, which we can offer for sale here at **Transition Culture**. Simply click the Totnes Pound link to the right or click here. The funds generated will be well used maximising the potential of the scheme. For an insight into the potential of such a scheme, you might enjoy this short film about Berkshares in the US. Get your hands on a piece of history!

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Discussion: Comments Off on Buy a Totnes Pound and Help Maximise Its Potential.

Categories: Economics, General, Localisation, Transition Towns