Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Local Currencies” category

Showing results 36 - 40 of 63 for the category: Local Currencies.

12 Jul 2011

Some reflections on the 2011 Transition Network conference

We had a great few days at Hope University in Liverpool.  This will not be an attempt at a complete document of that event, you will find the most comprehensive record over at the Transition Network’s conference feed.  What I am going to share, with links to some of the key pieces of media from that feed, is some of the notes of my reflections at the end of the conference.  As the event drew to a close, I went around and asked people for their brief reflections on what they saw as the character unique to this conference in comparison to others.  Three words came up again and again, deepening, focus and maturity.

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16 Jun 2011

Transition as Cookery: my presentation at the 2011 Tagore Festival

A couple of months ago I did a talk at the Tagore Festival at Dartington which eschewed Powerpoint and used objects sent in by Transition groups to tell the story of how Transition unfolds.  I really enjoyed it.  Here it is:

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30 May 2011

A May Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Gathering for the Unleashing of Transition Albany in the US. Pic: Dorothy Brown.

Welcome to the May monthly roundup of what’s happening in the world of Transition. We hope this issue will lift your spirits and inspire you to continue working within your communities – wherever they may be!  We start with Kinsale in Ireland which was the first ever Transition Town in the world! Kinsale’s plans for a bio-waste project is leading the way for Ireland’s first community run, eco-friendly anaerobic digester (AD). The project has recently been boosted by a grant of €37,500 from the Department of the Environment under its Rethink, Recycle, Remake (Rx3).

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Discussion: Comments Off on A May Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Culture, Education for Sustainability, General, Great Reskilling, Local Currencies, Localisation, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

14 Feb 2011

An Interview with Michael Shuman: if we’re serious about localisation, “all of us have to go to Business School”…

I was honoured last week to be able to interview Michael Shuman, who has long been one of pioneers of thinking on the question of localisation.  It was a fascinating conversation…

Can you tell us about your work and what you do, for those unfamiliar with that…

Right now my formal job portfolio is split 50/50 between BALLE, the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, and another for profit called Cutting Edge Capital.  BALLE is a non-profit founded about 10 years ago, which is building networks of local businesses through North America and I do research and economic development activities for them.  Cutting Edge Capital is really working with small businesses and communities to help them figure out ways of creating more local investment solutions. 

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28 Jan 2011

Transition on Italian TV programme about growth

Here is a clip from a programme made for Rai 3 in Italy which looked at the future (or not) of economic growth and which included a trip to see Transition in Totnes, in Berlin and also in Monteveglio.   Great stuff, although understanding Italian is definitely an advantage….

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