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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Local Currencies” category

Showing results 61 - 63 of 63 for the category: Local Currencies.

18 Sep 2009

David Boyle’s speech at the launch of the Brixton Pound

brixtonpound2“One of my first experiences of currencies along the lines of the Brixton pound was in Ithaca in upstate New York, where they have had an amazing printed currency for the last 15 years. You can get loans in it. The biggest loan was for $36,000. Not bad for a local currency. Some of the notes are printed on paper made from Angora rabbit fur, which is an innovative solution to the problem of counterfeiting which has not yet struck the Bank of England.

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Categories: Local Currencies, Localisation

18 Sep 2009

Brixton Pound Launch a Fantastic Success

brixtonpound8There really was nowhere else to be last night.  Given the amazing amount of press coverage and the fact that this was the first urban complementary currency specific to an urban neighbourhood, Lambeth Town Hall was the place to be for the launch of the Brixton Pound.  I arrived after a day of giving a talk at Google’s London offices, visiting Transition Tooting for a chat and a look around the place (thanks folks), and made it to the Hall for 6.30pm.  The event started at about 7.40, having been warmed up by some singing local teenagers and a small steel band.  Then, with the hall full to capacity, and hundreds of people crammed in around the walls, the event was underway.

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15 Sep 2009

Two Short Films About the Brixton Pound

First, here is a piece from a recent edition of ‘The Politics Show’ about the Brixton Pound….

…and secondly, a short film made by the Brixton Pound folks as a way of promoting the currency and getting people to understand how it works….

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Categories: Economics, Local Currencies, Transition Initiatives