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Archive for “Local Currencies” category

Showing results 56 - 60 of 63 for the category: Local Currencies.

4 Jan 2010

A Cumbrian Totnes Pound Quandry

Just got this great email…

“I am treasurer of a church in Cumbria and we have received a Totnes Pound note in our collection box. Is it worth anything or do we just throw it away?”

totnespound6How on earth did a Totnes Pound find itself in Cumbria, and why would someone think to put it in the church collection box?  My mind is boggled.  Anyone out there got any advice for our cumbrian church treasurer, given that driving to Totnes to change it back into a Pound sterling would not really be cost effective?

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Discussion: 23 Comments

Categories: Local Currencies

10 Dec 2009

Your Free Guide to Setting Up Local Currencies

lewes pound guide coverTransition Network is delighted to be able to present the first in an occasional series of pdf. only ‘How to’ guides, focusing on the experience of the Lewes Pound, and how to set up a similar scheme.  Written by Oliver Oliver Dudok van Heel, one of the scheme’s founders, it is a clear and concise guide, a delicious taster for Pete North’s ‘Local Money’, (the second in the ‘Transition Books’ series, after ‘Local Food’) due out in March.  To help us cover the costs of its production, we’d really appreciate donations along the lines of what you think it is worth to you and how helpful you found it.  You can download the guide here, and make donations via the button below.  We hope you find it useful.

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22 Nov 2009

The Mayor of Lambeth Goes on a Brixton Pound Spending Spree

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Economics, Local Currencies

22 Nov 2009

A Local Currency Pilgrimage to Wörgl

worglWell not quite, but en route to a gathering of Ashoka Fellows in Austria where I’ll be for the next couple of days, I by chance found myself in the Austrian town of Wörgl, famed for its alternative currency experiment in the 1930s.  In order to mark the deep influence of what happened there, and how it continues to inspire local currency schemes around the world, here I am in front of the station, with some Totnes, Stroud, Brixton and Lewes Pounds.  The Wörgl was introduced to the town in 1932, at the height of the Depression, when a third of the town was without work.  It is an amazing story.

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Discussion: 11 Comments

Categories: Economics, Local Currencies

21 Sep 2009

Positive TV Capture the Spirit of the Brixton Pound launch

OK, OK, I promise tomorrow I’ll start blogging about things other than the Brixton Pound, but today, here is a great film made by Positive TV about the launch, featuring some of the Brixton Pound crew and really giving a powerful sense of the event.

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Categories: Local Currencies, Localisation