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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Local Currencies” category

Showing results 51 - 55 of 63 for the category: Local Currencies.

24 May 2010

An Interview with Peter North, author of ‘Local Money: how to make it happen in your community’

pete with local moneyPete North’s new book ‘Local Money: how to make it happen in your community’ will be formally launched at the 2010 Transition Network conference and will be available to order here at the end of this week.  The latest book in the Transition Books series, ‘Local Money’ is a comprehensive overview of local currencies, and how to plan and implement such a scheme.  It is written with Transition initiatives in mind, drawing from the experience of Transition currencies such as the Brixton Pound and the Lewes Pound, but it also tells the fascinating stories of other alternative currencies, including the story of how local money was a key element of how communities survived the Argentinian crash.  To celebrate the launch of the book, I interviewed Pete about the book, and about local currencies….

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31 Mar 2010

Transition South East Gathering Film and Report

A few weeks ago now I mentioned the upcoming Transition South East conference, and showed you their wonderful poster.  By all accounts it was a quite wonderful day, you can read a write-up of the event here, and watch a fantastic film of the event (it’s so great when people do this) below.  We’re seeing more and more of these regional Transition events now, its a great thing to be happening.  Thanks to Ian Lawton of Act on CO2 for creating this record of the day.

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19 Feb 2010

Transition on ‘One Planet’ on BBC World Service

oneplanetEarlier this week I did an interview for BBC World Service’s ‘One Planet’ programme, which you can now hear at their website here or download the podcast here.   A very enjoyable experience, it is not every day that the BBC buys you soup and pays for it in Totnes Pounds!

rob and bbc

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15 Feb 2010

Die Transition Towns-Bewegung – Städte und Menschen im Wandel

…which according to my trusty Babelfish means “The Transition Towns movement – cities and humans in the change”, or something.  Anyway, here’s a great short film for German speakers out there, featuring Brixton, Totnes and a Transition Training somewhere…  but sufficiently understandable to be a very interesting way for non-German speakers to pass 8 minutes.  Congratulations also to Transition Town Lewes for making the Independent on Sunday magazine this weekend.

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22 Jan 2010

Oliver Dudok van Heel on Local Currencies, Transition and the Lewes Pound

In late September 2009 in Amsterdam, at an event called Picnic ’09, Oliver Dudok van Heel of the Lewes Pound CIC gave a talk about Transition and the role of local currencies.  It was beautifully filmed, and an excellent talk.  Thanks to Oliver, and to the organisers for making this available.  Good to see that the guy at 6:08 is paying attention…

PICNIC ’09: Alternative Currency in Practice with Christian Nold & Oliver Dudok van Heel from PICNICCrossmediaweek on Vimeo.

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