Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “‘In Transition’ 2.0.” category

Showing results 36 - 40 of 40 for the category: ‘In Transition’ 2.0..

31 Jan 2012

Five questions for Beccy Strong, who filmed much of ‘In Transition 2.0′

Two days to go until the previews of ‘In Transition 2.0‘!  In our second ‘In Transition 2.0’ podcast, I spoke to Beccy Strong (see right filming in Rwanda), who filmed most of the UK-based sequences in the film, and asked her 5 quick questions.  You will also hear, interspersed in this short podcast, some clips from the film itself.  In our next podcast, we’ll be hearing from Rebecca Mayes, who composed all of the music used in the film.

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Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0.

27 Jan 2012

Five questions for Emma Goude, producer of ‘In Transition 2.0’

It’s less than a week to go until ‘In Transition 2.0’ is previewed in each of the places whose stories appear in the film.  For example, it will be previewed in a fire station in Moss Side in Manchester, a community centre in Lyttelton in New Zealand that was one of only a few buildings there to survive the earthquake (their screening starts at 9am), a Hindu temple in Tooting in London, a ‘Cinema Paradiso’ in a village in rural India, and in a village hall in Japan (see here for the full list of previews).  I caught up with producer Emma Goude to ask her 5 quick questions about the film.

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Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0., General, Podcast

6 Jan 2012

Everything you could possibly want to know about ‘In Transition 2.0’

‘In Transition 2.0’ is nearly ready to be unveiled to the world!  We are very excited about this inspiring reweaving of the Transition story, and want to tell you more about it here, and about how it will be rolled out over the coming months.  To get us started, because we are so excited about sharing this with you, here is the film’s trailer, completed just yesterday, directed by Caspar Walsh.

Hopefully that has sufficiently whet your appetite for what is a remarkable film.  

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2 Aug 2011

‘In Transition 2.0’: update and appeal for crowdfunding…

It takes a community to make a community film.  The In Transition 2.0 production team announces its first ever crowd funding campaign!  Help us raise funds to pay film makers around the world to tell stories showing what Transition looks like in Brazil, Portugal, US, Canada, New Zealand and Japan.

Donate whatever you like and get your name in the credits of the film.  Tell us which country you’d like to put your money towards when you click on the link:


Thanks so much.  Contact emmagoude (at)

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0.

23 May 2011

‘In Transition 2.0’. An update from Emma Goude…

The ‘In Transition 2.0’ team have had a sneak preview of Rob’s now-complete manuscript and meetings are well underway to co-ordinate this huge film effort.  We’re consulting with various Transition bods to ensure we use all the resources at our disposal and create a film that reflects the diverse goings on in Transition around the world. Some contributors from the first film have been in touch to get involved with this second one and lots of other interesting people have responded to my first call out.

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