Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Great Reskilling” category

Showing results 61 - 65 of 118 for the category: Great Reskilling.

1 Jul 2011

Transition Bath transform Hedgemead Park

I put this in yesterday’s June roundup, but I love it so much that I think it also deserves a post all to itself.   Transition Bath recently made over an unloved bed in the very prominent Hedgemead Park in Bath, and made a great short film about it…

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28 Jun 2011

David Fleming’s ‘Lean Logic’ finally sees the light of day

When I reported here the recent death of my dear friend Dr. David Fleming I wrote, “and he never did get his bloody book finished!”  Everyone who knew David will have seen one or other iteration of his book, whether it was known as ‘The Lean Economy’ or ‘Lean Logic‘, tucked under his arm, adorned with much scribbling and crossing out.  Following his death, his family and friends have set to the task of making sure that his life’s work does finally see the light of day, and I’m delighted to announce that copies will soon be available.  I’m delighted, as would he have been, to know that his insights, his humour and his brilliance, are now more widely available.  Here is the text from a flyer I was recently sent announcing the publication.  I’ve already ordered mine…

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28 Jun 2011

From Donabate/Portrane… ‘Chicken Link’

Here is a great short film from RTE in Ireland about Transition Towns Donabate/Portrane‘s ‘Chicken Link’ scheme.  A very straightforward idea which looks to be really catching on….

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27 Jun 2011

Cereals, agroforestry and droughts: an interview with Martin Crawford

Martin Crawford recently launching his book 'Creating a Forest Garden', at the Eden Project in Cornwall.

Last week I cycled round to Martin Crawford’s house to interview him.  Martin runs the Agroforestry Research Trust, is one of the world’s authorities on the subject, and recently published ‘Creating a Forest Garden‘.  I had wanted to ask him about the drought in the southeast and the implications for the future of farming.  On the day I visited Martin though it was pouring with rain, but as you’ll see, that made little difference to his thoughts on the matter.  I have included a couple of films about his work as well, mixed in with the interview. 

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16 Jun 2011

Transition as Cookery: my presentation at the 2011 Tagore Festival

A couple of months ago I did a talk at the Tagore Festival at Dartington which eschewed Powerpoint and used objects sent in by Transition groups to tell the story of how Transition unfolds.  I really enjoyed it.  Here it is:

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