Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Food” category

Showing results 211 - 215 of 267 for the category: Food.

14 Mar 2007

Peak Oil and Beyond – Q&A with Heinberg, Campbell and Leggett – Part 2.

dc1**Q4. I’m Lucy Care, I’m a councillor in Derby. I’m aware of a number of cities and towns which are aware of climate change and have been down sizing from the point of view of energy because of climate change, but I don’t know of any who are addressing it from a peak oil perspective. The government in the UK is obviously not clued up to that either, but I wondered if you could say, in super-national organisations – the EU, the UN – whether you are aware of any movement in those directions that could feed down from the top, to compliment the work that is going on in communities that could feed up – whether it could meet in the middle?**

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Food, Peak Oil

13 Mar 2007

Peak Oil and Beyond – Q&A with Heinberg, Campbell and Leggett – Part 1.

d1At January’s Soil Association conference “One Planet Agriculture”, I chaired a session called **”Peak Oil And Beyond – a Discussion Circle”**, which gave delegates the opportunity to question Richard Heinberg and Colin Campbell, and later Jeremy Leggett, about peak oil and related issues. The session ran for over an hour, so rather than bombard you with it all at once, I will run it in installments over the next few days. It was a fascinating discussion, ranging over peak oil, climate change, agriculture, land reform, and much more. Many thanks to Tamzin for nobly transcribing all this! I hope you find it useful.

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2 Mar 2007

Mayor Makes Totnes the Nut Capital of Britain…

nutsWe had a wonderful morning yesterday planting walnut and almond trees supplied by the Agroforestry Research Trust on Vire Island in the middle of Totnes. The local press turned out, and the Mayor of Totnes, wearing the ceremonial chain planted a fine French walnut tree, posing with a pile of walnuts on the end of a shovel! The sun shone after days of rain, and various TTTers turned out to dig holes and share in the unique pleasure that one can only experience from planting trees with friends. Below is the press release handed out to the press who came…

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14 Feb 2007

Transition Towns Featured on ‘Wales@Work’ on BBC Radio Wales.

walesAn excellent programme was broadcast on Monday on BBC Radio Wales as part of a series called **’Wales@Work’**. It explored the idea of Lampeter becoming a Transition Town, and was part of the lead-in to a talk I will be giving there soon. Entitled The Oil-Free Revolution?, it features a number of people, including Patrick Holden of the Soil Association, discussing how peak oil might affect the fabric of rural Wales, and how a Transition Town initiative could be the solution for that. You can hear the programme at the website for the next few days. Very much recommended listening.

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13 Feb 2007

Vandana Shiva’s Closing Address to the Soil Association Conference.

s3**Dr Vandana Shiva** is one of the most inspirational and powerful speakers you will ever hear. Her closing lecture to the Soil Association conference (you can hear the podcast here was electrifying, passionate and sobering. Entitled ‘Taking the Oil Out of Agriculture’ she argued that sustainable agriculture and *”working for a living, working with the land, working with the soil, could actually be the most evolved status of being human, not something that should disappear in history and will be put into a dustbin. That’s our common future, everywhere”.* We are hoping to be able to include a talk by Vandana in the next Transition Town Totnes programme. Until then, read and enjoy.

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Food, Localisation, Peak Oil