Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Food” category

Showing results 196 - 200 of 267 for the category: Food.

10 Oct 2007

Patrick Holden, Peak Oil, Local Food and Transition.

wiwo An excellent documentary aired on BBC Wales last night, called **Back to the Land**, which was part of a series called ‘Week In, Week Out’. In featured Patrick Holden, the director of the Soil Association, discussing peak oil and the impact that finding out about it had on his life and on how he farms his farm in Wales, as well as looking at the bigger implications of its ramifications for food and farming. It also included interviews with myself and some peak oil deniers, and sets out a strong argument that the transition to life beyond oil could actually bring many benefits to society. You can watch the film here for the next week.

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14 Sep 2007

Peak Oil, Transition Towns and Resilience Building. My Talk to the IFG Teach In.

My presentation to the IFG Teach In runs for 15 minutes and is divided into 3 sections. You can see them below. I think we ought to do a lot more sending DVDs of talks to conferences and staying at home. Perhaps we should see conferences as being more like the Oscars, a talk, a filmed greeting, some music, another film and another talk. Keep the media changing. Anyway, this is my attempt. If you were at the conference, did it work? Many thanks to Malcolm Baldwin for doing the filming, to Alex Munslow for putting it on YouTube and to Jerry Mander for being open to this experiment…

**Part One.**

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13 Sep 2007

The International Forum on Globalisation Teach-In.

ifgStarting tomorrow in Washington is the International Forum on Globalisation’s **Teach-in: Confronting the Global Triple Crisis – Climate Change, Peak Oil, Global Resource Depletion & Extinction**, a wonderful event with an amazing array of speakers. Speakers include Megan Quinn, Maude Barlow, Richard Heinberg, Wes Jackson, Michael Klare, David Korten, Frances Moore Lappe, Bill McKibben and Vandana Shiva, to name but a few among 60. I was invited to speak, but having decided last year not to fly any more, I decided instead to film my talk and send it in the post, thereby saving 2,788 kgs of carbon by staying at home. I will post my presentation on YouTube tomorrow once the conference has started. If you are near Washington and can make it, it looks like a potentially life-changing event.

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14 Aug 2007

Transition, Resilience and Tradeable Energy Quotas.

f5What follows is a recent article by David Fleming (left) and Lawrence Woodward, which explores the concept of resilience which is so central to the Transition concept, in more detail. It also argues that the implementation of Tradeable Energy Quotas is a key part of the Transition, and indeed is the only way we can be sure it will happen. I am delighted to be able to post this article, and many thanks to the authors for allowing me to do so.

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1 Aug 2007

Totnes Pounds Raised in the House!

commonsI was fascinated to see that Totnes MP Anthony Steen raised both Transition Town Totnes and the Totnes Pound in a question in the House of Commons a couple of weeks ago. This is in the wake of the piece he wrote in the local papers, waxing lyrical about TTT. In Questions on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the subject of local food production, he managed, in one question, to cover peak oil, the fragility of import dependency, the role of local currencies and the Transition concept, not bad! The exchange ran as follows;

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Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil, Politics, Transition Towns