7 May 2008
I have written previously here at Transition Culture about the wonder of nut trees and on the project we have underway here to plant them in and around Totnes. Wendy Stayte and Teresa Anderson who have co-ordinated that project have written a very useful summary of the progress so far with transforming the town into ‘The Nut Tree Capital of Britain’. Their report appears below;
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2 May 2008
Natural born survivors. The Guardian. Friday 2nd May. Original here.
Rising oil prices, global food shortages and the economic crisis are proof for many survivalists that society is on the brink of meltdown. But are their predictions all gloom and doom – or a chance to create new communities? Harriet Green reports.
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29 Apr 2008
I had the great honour both at the Findhorn conference and at the Transition Network conference to meet Colin Endean, a permaculturist, former dentist and all round good bloke from Down Under. One of the things that Colin does is run, with his partnerAnna Szav, Co-Abundance Permaculture Farm, and as part of their output, they press their own olive oil on the farm, which is marketed under the brand ‘Peak Oil’.
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21 Apr 2008
The Isles of Scilly recently became the third Transition Islands, after the Isle of Man and the Isle of Wight. I visited for a couple of days over the recent school holidays at their invitation, to give a couple of talks and to also have a few days there. It is interesting to see the challenges that islands face in preparing for Transition, and the particular challenges and opportunities they throw up.
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15 Apr 2008

It feels appropriate that I should mark the day when the UK government makes it law that all petrol and diesel must contain at least 2.5% of biofuel in some way. In his usual frank and thorough way, George Monbiot tells it like it is in today’s Guardian; “In the midst of a global humanitarian crisis, we have just become legally obliged to use food as fuel. It is a crime against humanity, in which every driver in this country has been forced to participate”. The most appropriate way I can mark this day of momentous stupidity is with the above powerful and to the point cartoon which Richard Heinberg used in his presentation at Findhorn recently.
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