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Archive for “Food” category
Showing results 161 - 165 of 267 for the category: Food.
4 Jul 2008
Last week saw the launch of the 2nd Totnes local food directory, entitled “A Celebration of Local Food: Totnes guide to local food, shopping, eating out and places to stay”. The first directory was published around the same time last year, and provided shoppers with information to support their sourcing of local food and support for local shops. This second revised and updated directory, produced by Transition Town Totnes along with the Totnes Development Trust, was funded by an award from the National Lottery’s ‘Awards for All’ scheme and now includes bed and breakfasts, pubs and advice on what foods are in season at different times of year.
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3 Jul 2008
Yesterday morning, while chivvying my kids along to eat their breakfast and clean their teeth (not simultaneously), I had one ear on a piece on Radio 4’s Today programme about the economy and recession, prompted by Marks and Spencer’s dismal drop in share price, and its CEO talking of “stormy times ahead” for the UK economy. One of the guests was Sir Martin Sorrell (right), a businessman, who attempted to offer an upbeat picture of the future for the UK economy that left me scratching my head.
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2 Jul 2008
I have the great pleasure of being a Trustee of the Soil Association, and as part of a recent meeting, we visited St. Katherine’s School in Pill, just outside Bristol. St. Katherine’s is one of the 54 schools which have joined the Soil Association’s Food for Life Partnership (FfL). FfL provides a forum for schools and their communities to have a positive experience around food, reconnecting with local and organic food and farming.
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19 Jun 2008

Here’s just a quick and not really fully-formed thought for a Thursday morning. I have finally, as part of the Transition Town Totnes Solar Hot Water Challenge‘, signed up to get solar panels put on our roof. Took a while, but I am going for flat bed panels rather than evacuated tubes (to see why read this). The plan is to get them up while there is still some summer sun to take advantage of. The question I find myself asked though when I tell people about it is “but what is the payback on them?” Now I have to say honestly that I have no idea, I haven’t sat down and worked it out, but what intrigues me is that nature of that question.
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16 Jun 2008
I guess, as what Albert Bates terms a ‘post-petroleumologist’, you would imagine that I would be philosophically opposed to diggers, earthmovers, and other forms of fossil fuel powered equipment. I think it would be fair to say that until I encountered permaculture, I saw them, mostly due to seeing the extraordinary damage that such machines can wreak on road-building protests, as inherently wicked. When I sat down to read Bill Mollison’s Permaculture, a Designer’s Manual, I was surprised to find that a book on earth repair had an entire chapter dedicated to earthmoving. Seemed somewhat incongruous. Now, however, I am a convert, and I was honoured that my garden was visited by one this weekend.
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