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Archive for “Food” category
Showing results 156 - 160 of 267 for the category: Food.
7 Oct 2008

The provisional draft design for the book cover...
We are currently drawing together information on food projects across the network for our upcoming ‘Transition Guide to Food’, to be published next year. A questionnaire has already been sent out to official Transition initiatives but we are keen to hear from anyone across the network that has stories to tell about community food projects they’ve been involved in in their area. We’d like to hear
about projects that are already up and running and that can be of inspiration and/or learning to others – and by learning we mean to include problems as well as triumphs, as it’s all part of the grand
food growing experience!
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28 Aug 2008
Part of being on holiday with my kids meant a small but fascinating exposure to children’s TV. At this point in time, given that we now officially have 100 months to save the planet, children’s TV really ought to be advocating low-carbon living, the Great Reskilling, healthy eating, empowerment, conflict resolution skills and so on. It’s not of course. It offered a fascinating insight into the double messages that young people are being given, feeding the contradictory, confused outlook so many of them have. The day was saved, well sort of anyway, by Basil Brush, recently relaunched and back from his wilderness years after being so popular when I was a kid (boom boom).
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22 Aug 2008

I am feeling a bit like a Head of State who has gone away from his/her well-ordered country, only to return two weeks later to find complete anarchy, breakdown, looting, gangs in control and the country’s infrastructure in tatters. When I left to go away for two weeks, my garden was a model of neat and tidy vegetable production. On my return a couple of days ago, it was a picture of carnage, laid low by the the Four Horsemen of the Gardening Apocalypse, slugs, caterpillars, torrential rain and bolting.
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21 Jul 2008
I had the privilege last week to attend a kind of think tank thing organised by Colin Hines, which preceded the release today of the Green New Deal Group’s report, which I think is something that all of you involved in Transition work will find extremely useful. The Group has been meeting since early 2007, consisting of Larry Elliot, Colin Hines, Tony Juniper, Jeremy Leggett, Caroline Lucas MEP, Richard Murphy, Ann Pettifor, Charles Secrett and Andrew Simms. The opening paragraph of the report runs as follows;
“The global economy is facing a ‘triple crunch’. It is a combination of a credit-fuelled financial crisis, accelerating climate change and soaring energy prices underpinned by an encroaching peak in oil production. These three overlapping events threaten to develop into a perfect storm, the like of which has not been seen since the Great Depression. To help prevent this from happening we are proposing a Green New Deal”.
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7 Jul 2008
‘Edible Edges’ was a 3 hour walk around Totnes on Saturday 28th June which looked at the food growing potential of our urban corners and unloved spaces, attended by over 20 participants. The walk was in the company of Patrick Whitefield, one of the UK’s leading permaculture teachers and writers, and author of, among other things, the seminal Earth Care Manual. The day raised a number of important questions about the practicalities of growing food in urban areas, the possibilities and the challenges.
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