Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Food” category

Showing results 146 - 150 of 267 for the category: Food.

11 Mar 2009

Classic Book Review: How to Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought Possible (etc. etc.)

How to Grow More Vegetables: and Fruits, Nuts, Berries, and Other Crops Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine. John Jeavons. 10 Speed Press.
This is not a new book, but given that it is the time of year when your thoughts may well be turning to gardening, I thought it might be useful for me to wax lyrical about what might lay claim to being one of the greatest gardening books of all time. ‘How to Grow More Vegetables’ wears its heart firmly on its sleeve, and sets out to teach you to do exactly what the title suggests. It has been my gardening bible for the last 10 years, and as you can see (left), my copy is well loved, covered in muddy thumbprints, having regularly accompanied me into the garden.

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Discussion: 10 Comments

Categories: Book Reviews, Food, Great Reskilling

23 Feb 2009

“A Farm for the Future”… essential viewing

I know from email and comments I have had that many of you watched and loved Rebecca Hosking’s programme that was shown on BBC2 on Friday called ‘A Farm for the Future’.  The programme looked at Rebecca’s father’s farm in Devon, and at her wanting to rethink the farm in the light of peak oil.  The programme introduced the nation to such permaculture luminaries as Martin Crawford, Patrick Whitefield and the wonderful Chris Dixon, as well as to the work of the late Arthur Hollins (who I was fortunate enough to meet in the mid 90s).  You can watch the programme for the next 24 days here

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Discussion: 115 Comments

Categories: Food, Peak Oil, Permaculture

11 Feb 2009

Film Review: “Establishing a Food Forest (the Permaculture Way series)

Geoff Lawton is a permaculturist’s permaculturist. As one of the first ‘wave’ of designers and teachers in Australia, he has been implementing and thinking about permaculture for many years, and has become internationally recognised as a repairer of landscapes, and a creator, even in the most unpromising ecosystems, of food forests and abundant, productive landscapes.

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Discussion: 13 Comments

Categories: Food, Permaculture

2 Dec 2008

A write-up of the 2008 Soil Association conference

Last year’s Soil Association conference offered delegates a deep immersion in the peak oil/Transition debates, and was, for many, a seminal experience. This year’s took the discussions deeper and offered delegates an update on progress since and a re-energiser in terms of the scale of the work needed to be done for food and farming to truly be ‘in Transition’.  You can hear podcasts from the whole conference here and download the pdf of the conference programme here.

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1 Dec 2008

Volunteers Needed for Transition Food Book Project

Volunteer researchers needed to assist in the collection of material for The Transition Guide to Food. Recent research experience preferable, as is a keen interest and experience in the subject of local food production. I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone in the Surrey/London area, so that we can work face to face – but this is not absolutely necessary. Volunteers needed from now up until Christmas. All contributors will be given due credit in the Guide. Please email Tamzin at or call on 01932 702515 to discuss further.

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Categories: Food