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Archive for “Food” category
Showing results 126 - 130 of 267 for the category: Food.
28 Sep 2009
Last year I grew fantastic leeks that stood tall and proud in the garden through the winter months and underpinned many a meal. This year I got them in good and early, and they were looking wonderful. This week though, something has gone horribly wrong. From being proud columns of dark green leeky goodness, they have begun to crumble before my very eyes. Starting somewhere around the middle, they are being turned into slimy ribbons, eventually being reduced to stumps. This is not good. What ails my leeks?
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17 Sep 2009
So, ‘Local Food: how to make it happen in your community’ has arrived, and copies are flying out of the door! As you can see, at Transition Culture central we have been parcelling up orders and winging them to the 4 corners of the globe. They have been rapturously received by those who have got their hands on early copies, although we are still waiting for the first formal reviews. You may be interested to know that the launch of ‘Local Food’ will take place at the Totnes Bookshop on Thursday 24th September at 7pm. I’ll be saying a few words and introducing Tamzin, who will speak about the book (see below for the promotional flyer). There will be a big launch in London a week or so later (details to be confirmed). Do come along, and help celebrate the birth of this rather wonderful and very timely addition to the Transition literature!
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15 Sep 2009
A couple of months ago we published the paper we’d been working on for a while, ‘Can Totnes and District Feed Itself?’ We had hoped to stimulate a lot of discussion on its contents, but most of the comments ended up talking about human sewage and it potential use in agriculture. Interesting, but not quite what we had been hoping for. Over the last few weeks, two excellent analyses of the report have emerged. The first is by Colin Tudge, author of, among other things, “Feeding People is Easy”, and it can be read here. It is a fascinating take on the paper, in spite of suggesting that the whole exercise was largely a waste of time! The second is a review by Patrick Whitefield, to appear in the next issue of Permaculture Magazine (see below). Be interesting to hear what you think.
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8 Sep 2009
Ted Trainer (right, author of, among other things, the utterly indispensible ‘Renewable Energy Cannot Sustain a Consumer Society’ just published a long and detailed piece which offers his thoughts on the Transition movement. He sent me an earlier draft which I, in return, sent him some detailed thoughts on. Given that the final published piece didn’t seem to take on many of the points I sent, the comments I wrote still stand as a response to it, and I offer them below in the hope that they offer a reasonable companion to Trainer’s considered piece.
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17 Jul 2009
After many months of Ed Milliband putting himself out there are a Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change that actually gets climate change, finally his big Plan, the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan was unveiled on Wednesday, in a speech in the House of Commons that namechecked Transition Towns and which is the boldest national vision for a low carbon society yet seen. Many others have since pitched in with their thoughts, I thought it might be useful here to offer an analysis from a Transition perspective. In his speech, Milliband said “we know from the Transition Towns movement the power of community action to motivate people..”, clearly an outcome of his attendance as a ‘Keynote Listener’ at the Transition Network conference in May. So how does the Plan measure up, and does it actually advance what Transition initiatives and the wider relocalisation movement are doing?
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