Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Food” category

Showing results 111 - 115 of 267 for the category: Food.

29 Jan 2010

An Introduction to Food For Life

You may remember a while ago I wrote about a visit to a school near Bristol that is a Food for Life school, and how great what they were doing was.  Food for Life is a great initiative, and a great way for Transition initiatives to engage their local schools in re-engaging with the local food system.  Here is a new short film they have made, which I saw the other day and found rather inspiring.

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4 Jan 2010

A Recipe for the New Decade

bread sauce2So, welcome to 2010.  This new decade of limits, of huge possibilities and possibilities, of coming home to where we are, of reskilling, reconnecting and relocalising. While Sharon Astyk has offered her cogent predictions for the new year, and Richard Heinberg has offered powerful analyses as to why tackling climate change is down to us rather than waiting for the Copenhagen re-run in Mexico to sort it out, I want to mark my first post here in 2010 with a recipe.  It somehow feels representative of the challenges of the new decade, embodying some of the qualities we need, as well as being highly delicious.  It is Traditional Bread Sauce, although we could call it Transitional Bread Sauce (as my fingers mistyped it when I initially typed it in).

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Discussion: 15 Comments

Categories: Food, Transition Initiatives

23 Nov 2009

Transition Town Tooting’s ‘Foodival’

Transition Town Tooting recently held their fantastic ‘Foodival‘ event. Rather than me write reams about it, check out the film below which offers a great record of the day.

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17 Nov 2009

Interview on the Agroinnovations Podcast: Part Two

Here is Part Two of my interview on the Agroinnovations Podcast.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Interview on the Agroinnovations Podcast: Part Two

Categories: Food, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

13 Nov 2009

The Future of Food conference, Conway Hall, London. 12th November 2009

Soil Association symbol (hi-res)Oh these mad Devon-to-London-and-back-in-a-day trips, I really must learn not to do them. I’m writing this on the train home after the train was stuck for half an hour at Pewsey due to a failed signal, which the driver waited for and then, it would appear, noted that it wasn’t working and just thought “sod it”, and carried on through it. Not sure if that’s standard procedure, anyway, at least we’re moving again. So, this is a write up of the ‘Future of Food’ event organised by the Soil Association, its International Conference, which was the cause of my early rising and late return home.

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