Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Food” category

Showing results 76 - 80 of 267 for the category: Food.

17 Mar 2011

New film pilot looks at backyard food growing in Lewes

Here’s a pilot for a TV programme called ‘Growing Communities’, produced and directed by Sara Proudfoot Clinch which “gives you a glimpse at how to grow your own community from meeting the Transition Town Lewes group who are learning to live without fossil fuels, to community allotments, to bee keeping in the church yard, to keeping chickens in a tiny back garden of a town house”.

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11 Mar 2011

Somerset Transition reversal raises questions over localism agenda

You win some, you lose some.  In July 2008, Somerset County Council, then a Liberal Democrat-controlled council, passed a resolution supporting its local Transition initiatives.  It was much lauded as a visionary piece of policy-making, a council noting the vibrant activity of Transition groups within the county and deciding to honour that and to begin seriously to explore with them the potential overlaps and interfaces between those two ‘tiers’ in the community.  However, it has become clear that what started so boldly and with such great promise has since fallen away.  In the spirit of learning from such reversals, this piece explores what we can learn from recent developments in Somerset, and also what we might draw from them in relation to the government’s current ‘localism’ agenda.

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10 Feb 2011

Transition Lancaster’s Potato Day!

Transition City Lancaster did one too!

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Categories: Community Involvement, Diversity, Food, Great Reskilling, Localisation

31 Jan 2011

Open Space Day about Dartington’s Land Use Review

It’s been a while since Transition Town Totnes ran a big community Open Space event, so it was great to facilitate an event on Saturday which focused on the question of how Dartington Hall Trust should use its land beyond 2014.  Dartington is one of the major landowners adjoining Totnes, and it has been engaged with the Transition process here since it began.  In June 2007 an event called ‘Estates in Transition’ brought together landowners from across the South West to look at how their land management might change in relation to peak oil and climate change.  At present the 742 acres of farmland on the estate is leased to a dairy farmer who retires in 2014, so a Land Use Review has begun to begin planning what happens next.  I represent TTT on the Review, and one of the things I offered was to facilitate an Open Space day in the town to get the views of the community.

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28 Jan 2011

Transition on Italian TV programme about growth

Here is a clip from a programme made for Rai 3 in Italy which looked at the future (or not) of economic growth and which included a trip to see Transition in Totnes, in Berlin and also in Monteveglio.   Great stuff, although understanding Italian is definitely an advantage….

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