Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Energy” category

Showing results 276 - 280 of 360 for the category: Energy.

30 Aug 2006

Engaging Magic and Wonder in Energy Descent preparation.

sultan 1“Magic” and “wonder”. Not words we read too often in the peak oil literature. I contend, however, that if we are actually to engage people in energy descent as a positive transition on the necessary scale, we need to work magic and wonder into what we do. My mum recently passed on to me a video of an amazing thifrom BBC4 of a thing that happened a few months ago in London, called “The Sultan’s Elephant”, a huge piece of street theatre by the French theatrical magicians Royal de Luxe that took place in the capital in early May. The whole thing was prepared in the greatest secrecy, and took people by surprise, and the event that unfolded over the next 4 days brought magic and wonder to millions of people, and the film about it, I confess, brought tears to my eyes.

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29 Aug 2006

Powerdown Ireland’s Amazing Flying Flyer.

cc1Finding imaginative and creative ways to communicate ideas about energy descent is a big challenge. Just piling depressing information onto people is ultimately self-defeating, and feeds a sense of powerlessness. The Cultivate Centre in Dublin has always been exceptionally good at communicating sustainability, through its written materials, its programme of events, and also through its graphics materials. Now, as part of its new Powerdown Community Project, they have produced a rather cool flyer (in an interesting twist on the term) to promote the concept of powerdown, which they will distribute at various events around the country.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Powerdown Ireland’s Amazing Flying Flyer.

Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent, Transport

28 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Skrebowski tells us there’s 1,500 days until the Peak, & closing thoughts on ASPO 5.

**Chris Skrebowski. Peak Oil and the Emerging Reality.**

skreb*Chris is the editor or Petroleum Review and is a well known speaker on peak oil. He also uses very detailed Powerpoint presentations which he zips through so fast that comprehensive note taking is nigh on impossible! You can find his powerpoint here, which is well worth a read, as he is a challenge to even the most dedicated note taker! Here’s what I got down from his talk, for which I make no claims of completeness (it was very hot in that tent!)*

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil, Technology, Transport

25 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Dennis Meadows – Peak Oil and Limits to Growth.

**Dennis Meadows. Peak Oil and Limits to Growth. Wednesday 19th July 2006.**

meadows***Dennis Meadows** is one of the key figures in the environmental movement over the last 50 years, and one of the authors of perhaps the single best known environmental book “Limits to Growth

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24 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Jeremy Leggett Intertwines Peak Oil and Climate Change.

**Jeremy Leggett. Peak Oil, climate change, and the daunting arithmetic of carbon fuels.**

leggett*By the time Jeremy Leggett stepped up to the podium, I was starting to wonder whether I was the only person in the conference who had ever heard of climate change. We had heard Hirsch telling us with a straight face that we should dig up all the tar sands and turn all the coal into petrol, and Bauquis arguing that we needed 3,000 new nuclear power plants. I am used to people arguing for climate change solutions with no peak oil awareness but rarely the other way round.*

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